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ἀδιά-στροφος , ον,
A.incapable of turning: metaph., rigid, inexorable, “νόμοςOrph.H.64.9; incontrovertible, “προλήψειςProcl.Hyp.5.20; of remedies, infallible, Aët.3.91,109; Gramm., strictly accurate, S.E.M.1.187.
II. not distorted, Arist.Pr.958a12; “κανώνPlu.2.780b; “θώρηξAret.SD1.12. Adv. “-φωςGal.18(2).334.
2. metaph., not perverted, of persons, Ph.Fr.14 H., LXX 3 Ma.3.3; “ζῷαS.E.P.3.194. Adv. -φως in the absence of perversion, i.e. by natural instinct, Demetr.Lac.Herc.1012.70; straightforwardly, “. καὶ ἀπανούργωςS.E.M.2.77.
b. of judgements, etc., unperverted, “κρίσειςD.H.Th.55; λόγοι, ἔννοιαι, Alc.p.4C., Theol.Plat.1.17.
III. Adv. -φως without molestation, “. καὶ ἀταράχως μεῖναι ἐν τοῖς ἰδίοιςPLond 5.1674 (vi A.D.); “ἀφίεσθαι ἀζημίως καὶ .Cod.Just.
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