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LEUKAI (Üç Tepeler) Turkey.

Ionian city 30 km NW of Smyrna. Founded, according to Diodoros (15.18; cf. 92), by the Persian Tachos. After his death it passed into the possession of the Klazomenians, who obtained it by a trick against the Kymaians. Laukai supported the pretender Aristonikos after 133 B.C. and was used by him as a base (Strab. 646). The coins, with the normal type of a swan (as at Klazomenai), are exclusively of the 4th c. B.C.

Üç Tepeler lies in a prohibited zone and cannot normally be visited. The site, formerly on a headland, is now some distance from the sea. Available reports suggest that little is now to be seen apart from some remains of a circuit wall of Classical date.


D. Magie, Roman Rule in Asia Minor (1950) 1035; G. E. Bean, Aegean Turkey (1966) 125-27.


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