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1 praetor, consul BHb2: proconsul ETab1

2 virum conserv. iud. ςBH

3 minime semel B

4 hicne ςB

5 quem nos E

6 illam beatam om. BH

7 excipiet B: excipit H

8 pro lacrimis BH

9 possumus ς(?)BH: possum cett. et Quintil xi. 3. 173

10 ferundis Schol.

11 sentietis ETδ: sentiatis Schol.: sentitis (-tentiis B) ςBH

12 comprobabit (-vit) ςBH: probabit cett.

13 et fortissimum om. Tδ

14 delegit ςBb2: elegit HTw: legit Eδ

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