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1 profectum E2

2 diceret ςH, Ascon. et Schol.: -erent cett.

3 ac et Ascon.

4 et ac ςBH: om. codd. SM Asconii

5 iaceant ς

6 qui Garatoni: hi (ii ς) qui ςHETδ: iis qui k, Richter: fort. hi=#h## (omissionis nota, cf. Phil. i. 11, vii. 6)

7 lib. sum, respiravi Quint. ix. 2. 26

8 ex ςH

9 Roma om. Schol.

10 testam. simul obsign., una fui scripsi: test. Cyri simul obsign. cum Clodio una fui ς(?)BH: una fui test. Cyri simul obsign. cum Clodio E: eod. ordine sed om. Cyri Tδ

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