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You stay here, then, to wait for him. Meanwhile I will go away, so as not to be observed here with you, [125] and I will send our lookout back to your ship. And, if in my view you seem to linger at all beyond the due time, I will send that same man back again, after disguising him as the captain of a merchant-ship, so that secrecy may be on our side. [130] Then, son, as he tells his artful story, take whatever in his tale is from time to time helpful to you. Now I will go to the ship, leaving matters here to you. May escorting Hermes the Deceiver, lead us on, and divine Victory, Athena Polias, who saves me always!Exit Odysseus, on the spectators' left.

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    • Sir Richard C. Jebb, Commentary on Sophocles: Ajax, 14
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