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To Aegisthus. Go in, and quickly. Words are not at stake here, but your life.

Why take me into the house? If this deed is just, what need is there of darkness? Why is your hand not quick to strike?

[1495] Do not give orders, but go to where you struck down my father, so that in that very place you may die.

Is this dwelling doomed to see all the sufferings of us descendants of Pelops, both now and in time to come?

Yours, at least. I am for you a consummate prophet in these matters.

[1500] The skill you boast about did not belong to your father.

You bandy words, and our going is delayed. Move forward!

You lead.

You must go first.

Lest I escape you?

No, lest you die in a manner which pleases you. I must be sure that your death is bitter for you. [1505] This just penalty ought to come straightaway upon all who would break the laws: the penalty of death. Then wrongdoing would not abound.

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    • Basil L. Gildersleeve, Syntax of Classical Greek, The Article
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