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The son of Cronos spake and bowed thereto with his dark brows, [210] and upon Hector's body he made the armour to fit, and there entered into him Ares, the dread Enyalius, and his limbs were filled within with valour and with might. Then went he his way into the company of the famed allies, [215] crying a great cry, and shewed himself before the eyes of all,1 flashing in the armour of the great-souled son of Peleus. And going to and fro he spake and heartened each man, Mesthles and Glaucus and Medon and Thersilochus and Asteropaeus and Deisenor and Hippothous and Phorcys and Chroraius and Ennomus, the augur—these he heartened, and spake to them winged words: [220] “Hear me, ye tribes uncounted of allies that dwell round about. Not because I sought for numbers or had need thereof, did I gather each man of you from, your cities, but that with ready hearts ye might save the Trojans' wives and their little children from the war-loving Achaeans. [225] With this intent am I wasting the substance of mine own folk that ye may have gifts and food, and thereby I cause the strength of each one of you to wax. Wherefore let every man turn straight against the foe and die haply, or live; for this is the dalliance of war. And whosoever shall hale Patroclus, dead though he be, [230] into the midst of the horse-taming Trojans, and make Aias to yield, the half of the spoils shall I render unto him, and the half shall I keep mine ownself; and his glory shall be even as mine own.” So spake he, and they charged straight against the Danaans with all their weight, holding their spears on high, and their hearts within them [235] were full of hope to drag the corpse froma beneath Aias, son of Telamon—fools that they were! Verily full many did he rob of life over that corpse. Then spake Aias unto Menelaus, good at the war-cry, “Good Menelaus, fostered of Zeus, no more have I hope that we twain by ourselves alone shall win back from out the war. [240] In no wise have I such dread for the corpse of Patroclus that shall presently glut the dogs and birds of the Trojans, as I have for mine own life, lest some evil befall, and for thine as well, for a cloud of war compasseth everything about, even Hector, and for us is utter destruction plain to see. [245] Howbeit, come thou, call upon the chieftains of the Danaans, if so be any may hear.”

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  • Commentary references to this page (3):
    • Thomas W. Allen, E. E. Sikes, Commentary on the Homeric Hymns, HYMN TO APOLLO
    • Walter Leaf, Commentary on the Iliad (1900), 11.347
    • Walter Leaf, Commentary on the Iliad (1900), 16.66
  • Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page (2):
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