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Creusa and attendants enter.

There is nobility in you, and you have an appearance that is a witness to your character, lady, whoever you are. For most men at least, you would know from their appearance if they are well-born. [240] Ah! You amaze me, that you closed your eyes and watered your noble cheeks with tears, when you saw the holy oracle of Loxias. Why are you sorrowful, lady? [245] Does that which pleases all others who see the sanctuary of the god bring tears to your eyes here?

O stranger, it is not foolish of you to wonder at my tears. When I saw Apollo's halls, [250] I recalled an ancient memory. I suppose that my mind was at home, though I am present here. O unhappy women! O gods, what deeds are yours! What then? To what may we ascribe justice, if we are destroyed by the injustice of those in power?

[255] What inexplicable thing grieves you, lady?

Nothing; I have shot my arrow; now I am silent, do not concern yourself further.

Who are you? From what land have you come? What country is your fatherland? By what name should we call you?

[260] Creusa is my name, Erechtheus my father, the city of Athens my fatherland.

O you that dwell in a famous city and were brought up by noble parents, how I marvel at you, lady.

I am fortunate so far, stranger, and no further.

[265] By the gods, truly, as the tale goes among mortals—

What are you asking about, stranger, that you want to know?

Your father's ancestor grew from the earth?

Yes, Erichthonius; but my family is no benefit to me.

And did Athena take him up from the earth?

[270] Into her virgin hands; she was not his mother.

And gave him, as paintings usually show—

To the daughters of Kekrops to keep, unseen.

I have heard that the maidens opened the vessel of the goddess.

And so they died, making the promontory of the rock bloody.

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