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I count you happier than myself because you know nothing. Go within—it is wrong for maidens to be seen—after you have given me your hand and a kiss, [680] on the eve of your lengthy sojourn far from your father's side. Breast, cheek, and golden hair! ah, how grievous you have found Helen and the Phrygians' city! I can speak no more; the tears come welling to my eyes, the moment I touch you. [685] Go into the house. Exit Iphigenia. Agamemnon turns to Clytemnestra. I beg your pardon, daughter of Leda, if I showed excessive grief at the thought of giving my daughter to Achilles; for though we are sending her to taste of bliss, still it wrings a parent's heart, when he, the father who has toiled so hard for them, [690] commits his children to the homes of strangers.

I am not so senseless; But I think I will go through this as well, when I lead the girl from the chamber to the sound of the marriage hymn; so I do not chide you; but custom will combine with time to make the smart grow less. [695] As for him, to whom you have betrothed our daughter, I know his name, it is true, but want to learn his lineage and the land of his birth.

There was one Aegina, the daughter of Asopus.

Who wedded her? Some mortal or a god?

Zeus, and she bore Aeacus, the prince of Oenone.

[700] What son of Aeacus secured his father's halls?

Peleus, who wedded the daughter of Nereus.

With the god's consent, or when he had taken her in spite of gods?

Zeus betrothed her, and her guardian gave consent.

Where did he marry her? in the billows of the sea?

[705] In Chiron's home, at sacred Pelion's foot.

What! the abode ascribed to the race of Centaurs?

It was there the gods celebrated the marriage feast of Peleus.

Did Thetis or his father train Achilles?

Chiron brought him up, to prevent his learning the ways of the wicked.

[710] Ah! wise the teacher, still wiser the one who gave his son.

Such is the future husband of your daughter.

A blameless lord; but what city in Hellas is his?

He dwells on the banks of the river Apidanus, in the borders of Phthia.

Will you convey our daughter there?

[715] He who takes her to himself will see to that.

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