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[14] Why should I speak of Plancus? whom that most illustrious citizen Aquila has driven from Pollentia,—and that too with a broken leg; and I wish he had met with that accident earlier, so as not to be liable to return hither.

I had almost passed over the light and glory of that army, Caius Annius Cimber, the son of Lysidicus, a Lysidicus himself in the Greek meaning of the word, since he has broken all laws, unless perhaps it is natural for a Cimbrian to slay a German.1 When Antonius has such numbers with him, and those too men of that sort, what crime will he shrink from, when Dolabella has polluted himself with such atrocious murders without at all an equal troop of robbers to support him?

1 Here too is a succession of puns. Lysidicus is derived from the Greek λύω, to loosen and δίκη, justice. Cimber is a proper name and also means one of the nation of the Cimbri. Germanus is a German and germanus a brother; and he means here to impute to Caius Cimber that he had murdered his brother.

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