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16 Now the spleen when affected swells, and with it simultaneously the left side; and this becomes hard and resists pressure. The abdomen is tense: there is even some swelling of the legs. Ulcerations either do not heal at all, or at any rate form a scar with difficulty: there is also pain and some difficulty in walking fast or running. Rest increases this complaint, and so there is need for exercise and work; nevertheless, care must be taken lest if carried too far fever be excited. Anointings and rubbings and[p. 417] sweatings are necessary. All sweet things are hurtful, also milk and cheese; but sour things are the most suitable. Therefore sharp vinegar may be sipped by itself, vinegar of squills is even better. Such patients should eat salt fish or olives preserved in strong brine, lettuce dipped in vinegar, also endive in the same, beet with mustard, asparagus, horse-radish, parsnip, trotters, chaps, poultry not fatted, and similar game. The drink too, when taken on an empty stomach, should be wormwood decoction; after food, water in which a blacksmith has from time to time dipped his red-hot irons; since this water especially reduces the spleen. For it has been observed that animals reared by our blacksmiths, have small spleens. Dry thin wine can also be given: and everything, whether food or drink, which causes urination. Of particular value in this respect are: trefoil seeds or cummin or celery or creeping thyme or broom tops or purslane or catmint or thyme or hyssop or savory: for these seem best adapted to draw out humour from the spleen. Ox-spleen may be usefully given to eat; rocket and nasturtium in particular render the spleen smaller. Palliatives must also be applied externally: there is one made of ointment and dates which the Greeks call myrobalanon, or that made of linseed and nasturtium seeds, to which wine and oil have been added; or that made of green cypress and a dried fig; or that made with mustard to which is added a fourth part by weight of he-goat's kidney fat, and which is rubbed up in the sun and applied forthwith. Moreover, capers may be employed in several ways; for they may be both[p. 419] taken with the food, and the brine and vinegar in which they have been soaked may be sipped. They may be even applied externally, the root or bark having been rubbed up with bran or the capers themselves with honey. There are also emollients suitable for this affection.

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