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Yes, hear what sort of citizen he is.

Won't you let me speak?

Assuredly not, for I too am an awful rascal.

If he does not give in at that, tell him your parents were awful rascals too.

Once more, will you let me speak?

No, by Zeus!

Yes, by Zeus, you shall!

No, by Poseidon! We will fight first to see who shall speak first.

[340] I will die sooner.

I will not let you .

Let him, in the name of the gods, let him die.

What makes you so bold as to dare to speak to my face?

Because I know both how to speak and how to cook.

Hah! the fine speaker! Truly, if some business matter fell your way, [345] you would know thoroughly well how to attack it, to carve it up alive! Shall I tell you what has happened to you? Like so many others, you have gained some petty lawsuit against some alien. Did you drink enough water to inspire you? Did you mutter over the thing sufficiently through the night, spout it along the street, recite it to all you met? Have you bored your friends enough with it? And for this [350] you deem yourself an orator. You poor fool!

And what do you drink yourself then, to be able all alone by yourself to dumbfound and stupefy the city so with your clamor?

Can you match me with a rival? Me? When I have devoured a good hot tunny-fish and drunk on top of it a great [355] jar of unmixed wine. I say “to Hell with the generals of Pylos!”

And I, when I have bolted the tripe of an ox together with a sow's belly and swallowed the broth as well, I am fit, though slobbering with grease, to bellow louder than all orators and to terrify Nicias.

I admire your language so much; [360] the only thing I do not approve is that you swallow all the broth yourself.

Even though you gorged yourself on sea-dogs, you would not beat the Milesians.

Give me a bullock's breast to devour, and I am a man to traffic in mines.

I will rush into the Senate and set them all by the ears.

And I will pull out your arse to stuff like a sausage.

[365] As for me, I will seize you by the rump and hurl your head foremost through the door.

By Poseidon, only after you have thrown me there first.

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  • Commentary references to this page (1):
    • Thomas W. Allen, E. E. Sikes, Commentary on the Homeric Hymns, HYMN TO HERMES
  • Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page (2):
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