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Athens, East Building [Building]
Olynthus, House of Many Colors [Building]
Olynthus, House A iv 9 [Building]
Olynthus, House A 11 [Building]
Mallia, Middle Minoan II Sanctuary [Building]
Miletus, South Market [Building]
Miletus, Stadium [Building]
Athens, South Stoa I [Building]
Athens, South Stoa II [Building]
Athens, Stoa of Attalos [Building]

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Obverse: Gordian II laureate

Plan, Athens, South Stoa II

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Showing 1 - 10 of 297 document results in Latin.

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C. Julius Caesar, De bello Gallico More(7)
(Latin) (English)
book 1, chapter 13: ... pristinae virtutis Helvetiorum. Quod improviso unum pagum adortus esset, cum ii qui flumen transissent suis auxilium ferre non possent, ne
M. Tullius Cicero, Letters to and from Brutus (ed. L. C. Purser)
(Latin) (English, ed. Evelyn Shuckburgh, Evelyn S. Shuckburgh)
book 1, letter 16: ... quid de nobis iudicaturus sit exspectet populus Romanus; nos ii sumus de quorum salute unus homo rogandus videatur?
M. Tullius Cicero, Letters to Atticus More(23)
(Latin) (English, ed. Evelyn Shuckburgh, Evelyn S. Shuckburgh)
book 2, letter 1: ... item seditione commota, aspiravit nemo eorum quorum ego concursu itemque ii consules qui post me fuerunt rem publicam defendere solebant.
M. Tullius Cicero, Epistulae ad Familiares More(30)
(Latin) (English, ed. Evelyn Shuckburgh, Evelyn S. Shuckburgh)
book 1, letter 8: ... , iudiciorum, rei totius publicae; otium nobis exoptandum est, quod ii, qui potiuntur rerum, praestaturi videntur, si quidam homines patientius
M. Tullius Cicero, For Marcus Caelius More(4)
(Latin) (English, ed. C. D. Yonge)
text Cael., chapter 6: ... quondam ς ( contra Frontonem, ad Anton. ii. 6) iucundior, quis turpioribus turpioribus viris ς
M. Tullius Cicero, Against Catiline More(4)
(Latin) (English, ed. C. D. Yonge)
text Catil., speech 1, chapter 11: ... Quintil. ix. 2. 32, Isid. Origg. ii. 13. I , quae mihi vita mea multo est carior... at numquam in hac urbe qui qui α : ii (hi) qui cett. a re publica
M. Tullius Cicero, For Aulus Cluentius More(11)
(Latin) (English, ed. C. D. Yonge)
text Clu., chapter 13: ... pedes Q. Q. om. a Manli Manli (-ii) P ς a: Manilii M μ
M. Tullius Cicero, For Lucius Murena More(3)
(Latin) (English, ed. C. D. Yonge)
text Mur., chapter 13: ... consultum esse esse del. Ernesti ( cf. Tusc. ii. 12) profitebor. etenim quae de scripto aguntur, scripta
M. Tullius Cicero, For Sextus Roscius of Ameria More(2)
(Latin) (English, ed. C. D. Yonge)
text S. Rosc., chapter 30: ... quaerente vel apud Cassianos iudices, quorum etiam nunc ei nunc ii Naugerius : nuncii σπω : nuntii cett.
M. Tullius Cicero, For King Deiotarius More(4)
(Latin) (English, ed. C. D. Yonge)
text Deiot., chapter 3: ... tam tam del. Manutius ( contra Prisc. K. ii. 93) in bellis neque in proeliis quam in in
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