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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 6, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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he town, and went on board the Federal flag-ship with two or three citizens. He requested Commodore Renshaw to communicate to him his intentions in regard to the city, informing him at the same timea meeting of citizens. The following are the incidents of this mortifying surrender. Commodore Renshaw replied that he had come for the purpose of taking possession of the city; that the city wpersons over whom he had no control might take down the flag and create a difficulty. Commodore Renshaw replied that, although in his previous communications with the Military Committee, he had ying for more than a quarter to half an hour, sufficient to show the absolute possession. Commodore Renshaw further said that he would insist upon the right of any of his men in charge of an officert be permitted to run to town, and no communication whatever should be held by water. Commander Renshaw stated in conclusion, that he had already advised the Admiral to send a cargo of flour, to
must be carried from there to town in vehicles. The train would not be permitted to run to town, and no communication whatever should be held by water. Commander Renshaw stated in conclusion, that he had already advised the Admiral to send a cargo of flour, to which our party said nothing, and departed. Shortly after the return of the Mayor and party a detachment of about 150 marines and sailors, including about half a dozen negroes, was sent ashore from the fleet, which landed at Kuhn's wharf, and proceeded silently to the Custom-House, on which, without any interference or demonstrations by the by standers, they raised the U. S. flag. After half an hour (at 3 P. M.) the flag was quietly taken down, and the detachment marched back through the same streets to their boats, and returned to the fleet. The Mayor pro tem, and Thomas M. League, Esq., subsequently (at 4 P. M.) addressed the people at the market, stating the substance of their interview with the Federal comma
Galveston (Texas, United States) (search for this): article 1
The Federals in Galveston. We have given the particulars of the successful attack of the Federal ships on Galveston. An setting Mayor was appointed by the citizens to surrender the town, and went on board the Federal flag-ship with two or thrGalveston. An setting Mayor was appointed by the citizens to surrender the town, and went on board the Federal flag-ship with two or three citizens. He requested Commodore Renshaw to communicate to him his intentions in regard to the city, informing him at the same time of the abandonment of the city by the military, of the absence of the Mayor and City Council, and of his appointm rigidly than we possibly could; but, on the other hand, should any of his men be insulted or shot at in the streets of Galveston, or any of his ships or boats be shot at from the land or wharves, he would hold the city responsible, and open his brohis guns were kept shotted and double shotted for that purpose; that it was the determination of his Government to hold Galveston at all hazards until the end of the war, and that we could not take the port from him without a navy. The Mayor pr
Robberies. --Alex Bane, A. M. Lee and J. Rise, patients in General Hospital, No. 7 & Haskervill's store, Cary street,) were arrested last night by the Provost Guard and lodged in Castle Thunder, for stealing $142 in G. S. Treasury notes from the pocket of a comrade named it. Roberts, on Tuesday. Yesterday evening, as a soldier named Patrick McPherson, who had just been paid off, was passing a grocery on Cary, between 17th and 18th sts., a man rushed out, felled him with the stroke of a bludgeon, and stole his money. He made complaint at the office of the Assistant Provost Marshal of the Eastern District, and officers were dispatched in search of the guilty party.
A. M. Lee (search for this): article 1
Robberies. --Alex Bane, A. M. Lee and J. Rise, patients in General Hospital, No. 7 & Haskervill's store, Cary street,) were arrested last night by the Provost Guard and lodged in Castle Thunder, for stealing $142 in G. S. Treasury notes from the pocket of a comrade named it. Roberts, on Tuesday. Yesterday evening, as a soldier named Patrick McPherson, who had just been paid off, was passing a grocery on Cary, between 17th and 18th sts., a man rushed out, felled him with the stroke of a bludgeon, and stole his money. He made complaint at the office of the Assistant Provost Marshal of the Eastern District, and officers were dispatched in search of the guilty party.
Alex Bane (search for this): article 1
Robberies. --Alex Bane, A. M. Lee and J. Rise, patients in General Hospital, No. 7 & Haskervill's store, Cary street,) were arrested last night by the Provost Guard and lodged in Castle Thunder, for stealing $142 in G. S. Treasury notes from the pocket of a comrade named it. Roberts, on Tuesday. Yesterday evening, as a soldier named Patrick McPherson, who had just been paid off, was passing a grocery on Cary, between 17th and 18th sts., a man rushed out, felled him with the stroke of a bludgeon, and stole his money. He made complaint at the office of the Assistant Provost Marshal of the Eastern District, and officers were dispatched in search of the guilty party.
Robberies. --Alex Bane, A. M. Lee and J. Rise, patients in General Hospital, No. 7 & Haskervill's store, Cary street,) were arrested last night by the Provost Guard and lodged in Castle Thunder, for stealing $142 in G. S. Treasury notes from the pocket of a comrade named it. Roberts, on Tuesday. Yesterday evening, as a soldier named Patrick McPherson, who had just been paid off, was passing a grocery on Cary, between 17th and 18th sts., a man rushed out, felled him with the stroke of a bludgeon, and stole his money. He made complaint at the office of the Assistant Provost Marshal of the Eastern District, and officers were dispatched in search of the guilty party.
G. S. Treasury (search for this): article 1
Robberies. --Alex Bane, A. M. Lee and J. Rise, patients in General Hospital, No. 7 & Haskervill's store, Cary street,) were arrested last night by the Provost Guard and lodged in Castle Thunder, for stealing $142 in G. S. Treasury notes from the pocket of a comrade named it. Roberts, on Tuesday. Yesterday evening, as a soldier named Patrick McPherson, who had just been paid off, was passing a grocery on Cary, between 17th and 18th sts., a man rushed out, felled him with the stroke of a bludgeon, and stole his money. He made complaint at the office of the Assistant Provost Marshal of the Eastern District, and officers were dispatched in search of the guilty party.
Patrick McPherson (search for this): article 1
Robberies. --Alex Bane, A. M. Lee and J. Rise, patients in General Hospital, No. 7 & Haskervill's store, Cary street,) were arrested last night by the Provost Guard and lodged in Castle Thunder, for stealing $142 in G. S. Treasury notes from the pocket of a comrade named it. Roberts, on Tuesday. Yesterday evening, as a soldier named Patrick McPherson, who had just been paid off, was passing a grocery on Cary, between 17th and 18th sts., a man rushed out, felled him with the stroke of a bludgeon, and stole his money. He made complaint at the office of the Assistant Provost Marshal of the Eastern District, and officers were dispatched in search of the guilty party.
Large fire at Augusta. Augusta, Nov. 5. --A fire occurred here last night, which destroyed Stovall's warehouse, stables, 6,000 bales of cutter, some produce, &c. The loss will exceed $500,000.
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