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Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.35
provided Joe Orr would be made postmaster at Athens. Don't mention this as it would get Browne into trouble. Near Fredericksburg, November 22, 1862.—My camp is on the hills immediately in the rear and west of old Federal Hill. I can see the hous some skirmishing, but no other great battle before spring in this State. November 27.—My brigade was ordered into Fredericksburg last night to do picket duty. Nothing separates us from the Yankees but the Rappahannock. Their pickets line one bgia Regiment, married a Miss Varner, who is related to you. I was much surprised at the reputation which tradition in Fredericksburg gives to the mother of Washington. It represents her as much inclined to the Tory side and as saying George had bette sought in vain for a crossing above, and intend to try forcing a crossing at the city. If they attempt it poor old Fredericksburg is doomed. December 2.—I have been hard at work to-day preparing my lines for any attack by the enemy. General Pe<
Fort Warren (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.35
mmission as lieutenant-colonel in our army. He seems to be a clever little fellow, but lowers ones opinion considerably of a Prince of one of the noblest houses of France. February 2.—General Longstreet buried his third child to-day, a boy of twelve summers—all victim's of scarlet fever. Although a stranger to him I felt acutely which carried me to join my sorrow with his stricken heart. February 13. Lanier, who kept the hotel at Athens, was taken prisoner at Hatteras and died in Fort Warren. The New York Herald says the rebellion must be crushed in the next thirty days or the Northern government is bankrupt. If so we may expect a struggle by McClellan at every point. The spring campaign will evidently settle the issue of this war. March 16.—Davis vetoed the bill making a commanding general yesterday on constitutional grounds and it is raising a perfect storm in Congress. I heard last night that the House of Representatives were debating secretly the propriety of depos<
Savannah (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.35
ordered the arsenal at Augusta and the arms in it turned over to the government. Brown secretly sent Rockwell up to Augusta and shipped all of the good arms to Savannah before the agent of the government could get there. Under other circumstances it would be wrong, but at present it was disgraceful. We have delayed declaringeaking up of the college, Howell and I at a venture put in Rutherford's name. To my surprise I hear this morning that he is appointed and his commission sent to Savannah. He ranks as Captain. May 15.—I am more and more satisfied that old Scott is afraid to attack us and is looking for an attack on Washington. Frank Bartow let of Congress. He was a remarkable man and had filled every State and national office. The impression is gaining ground that the Burnside fleet is intended for Savannah. If it proves successful I do hope there will be found patriotic hands enough to set fire to the city and let the enemy be received in a heap of smouldering rui
California (California, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.35
d Russia will acknowledge us at once in the family of nations. As to the North, the 4th of March will determine its policy. February 20.—The exciting question now is, Who will constitute the cabinet? It is understood that Yancey is to be Attorney-General, Captain Bragg, Secretary of War, and Toombs, Secretary of the Treasury. The State portfolio was offered to Barnwell and declined by him—so says Keitt. From five to twenty letters come to me every day, begging for office. Gwynn, of California, writes that Seward told him there would be no war. February 22.—President Davis dines at our table every day. He is chatty and tries to be agreeable. He is not great in any sense of the term. The power of will he has, made him all he is. February 26.—An act was passed this morning, giving to each of the commissioners to Europe $12,000 per annum. Yancey and Slidell are both mentioned. Henry R. Jackson is also spoken of, but Mr. Davis acts for himself and receives no advice, exc
Montgomery (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.35
course of safety. Chosen a delegate to the State convention, he signed the ordinance of secession and thence went to Montgomery as a member of the Provisional Congress of the Confederacy. From his arrival there until the fatal battle of Frederiof their criticisms has been blunted by time and their confidential character robs them of their sting. A. L. Hull. Montgomery, February 3, 1861. We got here to-day two hours late, the delay caused by a bad smash — up on the train about three 10,000 men and authorizing the President to receive into the service of the Confederate States 100,000 volunters. Montgomery, Ala., March 5, 1861.—The Texas members here are a very conceited crowd with very little of statesmanship among them. Theowed the organization of volunteers and preparations for war filled the interval until the re-assembling of Congress at Montgomery in April. Montgomery, April 19, 1861.—The atmosphere of this place is positively tainted with selfish ambitious sche<
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.35
top to pick it up, but galloped out of town bareheaded. October 13.—I went down to camp to-day. Stuart has gone into Maryland with I,000 troopers. He sent for 150 of my men, but Jackson had them all out scouting. General Lee has taken pains to ttle. Ben. Mell was not killed, and is still alive. He was severely wounded, and is in the house of a clever family in Maryland. I do hope he will recover. Reuben Nisbet was not killed, as reported; only slightly wounded. McLaws told me his retelligent, quick, brave and frank, and made a very favorable impression on me. On dit, General Lee wishes to cross into Maryland. The army are unanimously opposed to it. The men say they have had enough of Maryland. November 5.—Howell has been oMaryland. November 5.—Howell has been ordered to duty in Georgia and has telegraphed for all his staff and horses. A camp rumor that I had been appointed Brigadier-General over this brigade has annoyed my men no little, but I assured them that Mr. Davis would never tender me the appointm<
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.35
l His brother, Hon. Howell Cobb. we found awaiting us here. The full representation from South Carolina are here, a few from Mississippi, and one from Florida. The commissioners from North Caroliand says he intends to keep it. One man refused to kiss the Bible. It was Judge Withers, of South Carolina. He is an avowed infidel—one of the last of old Dr. Cooper's disciples. February 1.—On tabama, Mississippi and Florida were in favor of Davis, Louisiana and Georgia for Howell, and South Carolina divided between Howell and Davis, with Memminger and Withers wavering. Howell immediately ao doubt will be changed for the permanent Constitution. I am disgusted with old Withers, of South Carolina. Rhett is a generous-hearted man, with a quantity of cranks. Barnwell is a gentlemanly manspondent of the London Times, was with Scott's army as a looker on. The crowds from Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama coming in to look after wounded relatives is immense. They keep me going all da
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.35
has gone into Maryland with I,000 troopers. He sent for 150 of my men, but Jackson had them all out scouting. General Lee has taken pains to show and express his confidence in me as an officer, and personally he has been as kind as I could ask or desire. He has ordered me to take command of Howell's brigade on a march this morning. My impression is that we are about to fall back towards the Rappahannock. October 20.—The returned prisoners give a glowing account of their treatment in Baltimore. They came back loaded with presents from the ladies and clothed anew from head to foot. I still hear some news of our casualties in battle. Ben. Mell was not killed, and is still alive. He was severely wounded, and is in the house of a clever family in Maryland. I do hope he will recover. Reuben Nisbet was not killed, as reported; only slightly wounded. McLaws told me his report of Howell's Brigade in the fight at Crampton's gap would be satisfactory to him. The truth is McLaws d
Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 1.35
ecession question was doubted. March 5.—The President appealed to me again to go to Arkansas but I positively refused. This morning he and Mrs. Davis took their seats by me at the breakfast table and were very affable. A telegram from Washington City just received says the universal feeling there since Lincoln's inaugural is that war must come. I don't believe it yet, though I confess the document is a bolder announcement of coercion than I had expected. Well, I am not afraid of the isvernment were moved there as soon as the Virginia delegates arrive and join us. The President favors it decidedly. I sent you a copy of his message. It is a capital document. The opinion is pretty general here that we shall have to take Washington City, but many are of the decided opinion that there will be no war. Howell insists that this is the true view of the matter. Frank Bartow says the Savannah companies are outraged at Governor Brown, who refuses to call any of them into service
Newton County (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.35
aggrandisement. I see it, hear it, feel it, and am disgusted with it. But I would rather tell you of my journey here. At Maxey's, George Lumpkin's company was drawn up, and would have a speech from me. At Union Point we met the Young Guards, and again I had to make a little speech. At Greensboro Oscar Dawson told me he had raised in two days a company of eighty men, and they wanted to be on the field in one week from the day he began. At Conyers they have raised the sixth company in Newton county. In Merriweather they raised three companies of eighty men in three days and $7,000 to equip them. Similar news comes up from the whole country. At West Point yesterday afternoon a large crowd assembled at the cars, and had speeches from Keitt, Brooks (of Mississippi), Ben Hill and Gus Wright. They called on me, but I declined on the ground it was Sunday, and took occasion to give them a five minute's lecture on Sabbath-breaking. It was the only speech that was not cheered. There
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