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Cambria (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 61
liola, 276. Twain, Mark, 37, 153. 218. U. Uncommonplace, A Plea for the, 192. unreasonable unselfishness, 80. Upton, G. P., 249, 251, 253. V. Vacation, the summer, 215. Vacations for saints, 33. value, who shall fix the, 202. Vassar College, 279. Victoria, Queen, 21,175. victory of the weak, the, 296. Virtue of man and woman the same, 3. visiting the sick, on, 227. voices, 166. Voices, American and English, 167. Voltaire, F. M. A., 87. W. Wales, Prince of, 23. Ward, Artemus, described, 43. Warner, C. D., quoted, 217. Washington, George, 296. Wasted, the fear of its being, 232. Watson, E. H., 183. Watson, George, 183. weak, victory of the, 296. Wellesley College, 100. Wellington, the Duke of, quoted, 196. White, R. G., 24. Whittier, J. G., quoted, 54, 117. Also 98,106, 153, 308. who shall fix the value? 202. Whole duty of man, the, 4. why women authors write under the names of men, 259. Wife, posit
Normandy (France) (search for this): chapter 61
one's Relationship to one's, 43. Mott, Lucretia, 47, 179. Muller, Max, 26. Murfree, M. N., 225, 259, 263. musical woman, The Missing, 249. N. Napoleon. See Bonaparte. Napoleon, Louis, 101. Napoleons, dynasty of the, 98. Nausikaa, 8, 11. Nervousness of men, the, 238. New theory of language, the, 181. Newcome, Ethel, 55. Newell, W. W., 13. Newport, R. I., life at, 71, 98. Nicknames in college, 275. Nightingale, Florence, 19. Nithisdale, Countess of, 56. Normandy, a scene in, 201. Northcote, Sir, Stafford, 136. Norton, Andrews, 18. Norton, C. E., 18. novels: men's and women's, 156. Nursery, a model, 264. O. Odyssey, Palmer's, 248. Opie, Amelia, 157. Orestes, 44. Organizing mind, the, 146. Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, quoted, 211, 232. Outside of the shelter, 7. P. Paganini, Nicolo, 238. Palma, Jacopo (Vecchio), 307. Palmer, Professor G. H., 248. Parnell, C. S., 272. Parochialism, 222. Patience quoted, 51.
Canadian (United States) (search for this): chapter 61
naparte, Napoleon, 247. Bonheur, Rosa, 250, 252, 261, 263. Bossuet, J. B., 87. Bourbons, decline of, 107. breaking and bending, 121. Bremer, Fredrika, quoted, 14. Brinton, Dr. D. G., quoted, 286. Broute, Charlotte, 260. Brooks, Mrs., Sidney, 76. Browning, E. B., 250, 252, 263. Browning, Robert, quoted, 273, 302. Also 308. brutality of Punch and Judy, the, 254. Burns, Robert, 19. but strong of will, 54. Butler, Fanny Kenble, 154. Byron, Lord, 19, 160. C. Canadian judge, ruling of, 92. Carlyle, Thomas, quoted, 300. Also 149. Carnegie, Andrew, quoted, 168, 169. Carr, Lucien, 179. Cato, M. P., 97. chances, 65. Channing, W. E., quoted, 127. Chateaubriand, F. R., 76. Chaucer, Geoffrey, 278. Chevy Chace, quoted, 220. Child, L. M., 13, 179. Children, dressing of, for school, 241. Children on A farm, 197. Children, the humor of, 217. Choate, Rufus, 18. Christmas all the time, 291. Cicero, M. T., 276. Cincinnati, art s
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 61
ne, W. E., 136. Godwin, M. W., 232. Godwin, William, 178. Goethe, J. W. von, quoted, 36, 179, 291. Gosse, E. H., quoted, 193. Gough, J. B., 309. Gower, Lord, Ronald, 138. graces, the S11Y, 306. Grant and Ward, 191. Grant, General U. S., 20, 127, 303. Griswold, R. W., 289. Gymnastics, elevation of, 64. H. Hair, the uses of, 2. Hale, E. E., 206. Hale, H. E., his theory of language. 181. Hale, Lucretia, 40. Harem, Shadow of the, 12. Harland, Marion, 13. Harte, B quoted, 212, 213. Pinart, Mrs., Nuttall, 286. Pisani, Catherine de, 86. Plato cited, 178. Plea for the uncommonplace, A, 192. Poe, E. A., 289. Pontius cum Judaeis, 256. Porter, Jane, 157. Precieuses, the, 87. Presidency in United States, 128. Prince Hal, 49. publisher, the search after A, 151. Punch and Judy, the brutality of, 254. Purse, the independent, 115. Q. Quite rustic, 100. R. Rachel, 250, 252, 263. Radcliffe, Ann, 160. Rambouillet, Marqui
Maine (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 61
c, 282. Lincoln, Abraham, 20, 218, 309. Lioness more formidable than lion, 59, 145. Literary centre unimportant, 225. literary style, women's influence on, 85. Livermore, Mary A., 20. Lochinvar, the young, 55. Longfellow, H. W., 19, 203, 308. Lotze, Hermann, quoted, 90. Louis XIV., 179. Lowell, J. R., quoted, 171, 212, 291. Also 95, 97, 99. Lucas, Mrs., John, 287. Lyon, Mary, 21. Lytton, Lord, 193. M. Maiden aunts, 38. Maiden ladies, dignity of, 31. Maine, Sir Henry, cited, 10. Maitland, Major, 137. Manugin, Arthur, quoted, 214. Mann, Horace, quoted, 134. Also 243, 244. Manners, American, 101, 169, 224; English, 139; Italian and Spanish, 25. manners, the Empire of, 75. Mariotti. See Gallenga. Marketable accomplishments, 60. Marriage, chances of, 65. Marshall, Emily, 177. Martincan, Harriet, quoted, 7, 228. Also 13, 263. martyrdom, Mice and, 141. Matchin, Maud, 103, 104. Mather, Cotton, quoted, 252. Matthe
Charlotte (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 61
rbach, Berthold, quoted, 14. aunts, maiden, 38. Austen, Jane, quoted, 113. Also 156, 157, 160, 194. Authorship, difficulties of, 151, 202. B. Babies, exacting demands of, 41. Badeau, General, Adam, quoted, 103, 128. Bancroft, H. H., 225. Barnum, P. T., 108. Barton, Clara, 20. Baeudelaire, Charles, 302. Baxter, Richard, 34. Beach, S. N., quoted, 143. Beaconsfield, Lord, quoted, 271. Beethoven, L. yon, 252. Bell, A. G., 99, 209. Bell, Currer. See Brontie, Charlotte. Bickerdyke, Mother, 20. Birds at midsummer, 304. Birthday, secret of the, 176. Bismarck, Prince, 309. Black sergeant, prayer of, 79. Black, William, quoted, 168. Blake, William, 180. Blanc, Louis, 129. Blood, Lydia, 102. Bonaparte, Napoleon, 247. Bonheur, Rosa, 250, 252, 261, 263. Bossuet, J. B., 87. Bourbons, decline of, 107. breaking and bending, 121. Bremer, Fredrika, quoted, 14. Brinton, Dr. D. G., quoted, 286. Broute, Charlotte, 260. Brooks, Mrs.,
Newport (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 61
Mopsa, 102. Moral equivalence of sexes, 91. more thorough work visible, 286. Morse, S. F. B., 99. mother, on one's Relationship to one's, 43. Mott, Lucretia, 47, 179. Muller, Max, 26. Murfree, M. N., 225, 259, 263. musical woman, The Missing, 249. N. Napoleon. See Bonaparte. Napoleon, Louis, 101. Napoleons, dynasty of the, 98. Nausikaa, 8, 11. Nervousness of men, the, 238. New theory of language, the, 181. Newcome, Ethel, 55. Newell, W. W., 13. Newport, R. I., life at, 71, 98. Nicknames in college, 275. Nightingale, Florence, 19. Nithisdale, Countess of, 56. Normandy, a scene in, 201. Northcote, Sir, Stafford, 136. Norton, Andrews, 18. Norton, C. E., 18. novels: men's and women's, 156. Nursery, a model, 264. O. Odyssey, Palmer's, 248. Opie, Amelia, 157. Orestes, 44. Organizing mind, the, 146. Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, quoted, 211, 232. Outside of the shelter, 7. P. Paganini, Nicolo, 238. Palma, Ja
T. A. Edison (search for this): chapter 61
l, The, 70. Davidson sisters, the, 289. De Quincey, Thomas, quoted, 110. Defoe, Daniel, 285. Dibdin, Charles, quoted, 278. Dickens, Charles, quoted, 94, 195. Also 109, 285. Diderot, Denis, 178. Dinner, difficulties of the, 240. Dix, Dorothea, 20. dolls, the discipline of, 264. Domestic service, 172. Douglas, Catherine, 56. Douglas, Ellen, 55. Dudevant, A. L. A. (George Sand), 88, 249, 252, 260, 263. E. Edgeworth, Maria, quoted, 78. Also 157, 180. Edison, T. A., 209. Edmunds, George F., 137. Edward II., 213. Egypt, preservation of royalty in, 109. Emerson, M. J., quoted, 143. Emerson, Mrs., quoted, 143. Emerson, R. W., quoted, 159,233. Also 1,97, 99,285, 308. Empire of manners, the, 75. English tourists in America, 36, 96. Epictetus, 297. Eumenides of Aeschylus, the plot of, 44. Eve, 7. exalted stations, 126. F. Family, the, among Australians, 45; in ancient Rome, 45. Farm, children on A, 197. fear o
e woman of, 17. Ingelow, Jean, cited, 133. Invalids, visits to, 227. Italian manners, 25. J. Jackson, Helen ( H. H. ), 158, 236. James, Henry, 157, 158. Jameson, Anna M., 103, 180. Janauschek, Madame, 221. Jefferson, Thomas, 296. Johns Hopkins University, the, 296. Johnson, Dr., Samuel, 283. Joubert, Joseph, quoted, 155. Journalism and literature, 288. Jupiter, 45. K. Kant, Emmanuel, 90. Kapiolani, Queen, 107. Keats, John, 19. Kennedy, W. P., 223. Kent, Miss, 40. Kerenhappuch, 275. L. Ladd, Professor G. T., 90. Lamb, Charles, quoted, 83, 302. Lander, Jean M., 20. Language, the New theory of, 181. Languages, variety of, 182. Lanier, Sidney, quoted, 296. Leclerc, M., 87. Lecturers, English, 96. Leighton, Caroline C., quoted, 283. Leopold, Prince, 106. Leroi, Madame, 87. Leslie, Eliza, 13. letters, women's, 110. Libraries, public, 282. Lincoln, Abraham, 20, 218, 309. Lioness more formidable than lion, 59, 145.
Lydia Blood (search for this): chapter 61
. Bancroft, H. H., 225. Barnum, P. T., 108. Barton, Clara, 20. Baeudelaire, Charles, 302. Baxter, Richard, 34. Beach, S. N., quoted, 143. Beaconsfield, Lord, quoted, 271. Beethoven, L. yon, 252. Bell, A. G., 99, 209. Bell, Currer. See Brontie, Charlotte. Bickerdyke, Mother, 20. Birds at midsummer, 304. Birthday, secret of the, 176. Bismarck, Prince, 309. Black sergeant, prayer of, 79. Black, William, quoted, 168. Blake, William, 180. Blanc, Louis, 129. Blood, Lydia, 102. Bonaparte, Napoleon, 247. Bonheur, Rosa, 250, 252, 261, 263. Bossuet, J. B., 87. Bourbons, decline of, 107. breaking and bending, 121. Bremer, Fredrika, quoted, 14. Brinton, Dr. D. G., quoted, 286. Broute, Charlotte, 260. Brooks, Mrs., Sidney, 76. Browning, E. B., 250, 252, 263. Browning, Robert, quoted, 273, 302. Also 308. brutality of Punch and Judy, the, 254. Burns, Robert, 19. but strong of will, 54. Butler, Fanny Kenble, 154. Byron, Lord, 19, 16
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