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Kingston, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
oof. (Carpentry.) One having but one vertical post in each truss. King-rod. A tension rod depending from the ridge of a roof and uniting with the tie-rod; occupying the position of the king-post in wooden roofs. See King-post (A). Kingston's valve. A conical valve, forming the outlet of the blow-off pipe of a marine engine; it opens through the side of the vessel by turning a screw. Kingston's valve. King-truss. A roof or bridgetruss framed with a King-post (which seeKingston's valve. King-truss. A roof or bridgetruss framed with a King-post (which see). Kink. (Nautical.) A sharp bend in a rope or cable which prevents its reeving through a block or a hole. Kinsh. A crowbar used in quarrying. Kio-tome. (Surgical.) A knife for cutting membrane; especially certain pseudo-membraneous bands in the rectum and bladder. Kip. Leather of yearlings or small cattle. A grade between calf and cowhide. Kip-skin. Kirb. See curb. Kish. (Smelting.) a. A carburet of iron which, when cold, appears in bright shini
Herculaneum (Italy) (search for this): chapter 11
ege of Troy, 1193 B. C. The bolt of the lock mentioned in the Odyssey was moved by pulling a latch-string which passed through the door and hung outside. Denon has engraved an Egyptian lock which no doubt had a key. The Roman keys were very various (see f g h i, Fig. 2742), some like the old Egyptian and others like the modern. The ring, or bow, stem, and bit are all there. Some have hollow barrels, like our trunk keys. Thirty varieties are shown by Montfaucon. The keys found at Herculaneum show that the art of lock-making (A. D. 79) was well understood. 4. (Joinery.) a. A piece of timber let transversely into the back of a board, which consists of several breadths, for the purpose of preventing warping. b. The last board of a floor or platform which is driven into position and keys up the others. c. A tenon piece, of the nature of a dowel entering coincident parts in matched boards, and holding them together, or in correspondence. d. The roughing on the under
Bethel, Me. (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
aturating timber depends on its thickness; 24 hours are required for each inch in thickness, for boards and small timbers. The timbers, after saturation, should be placed under a shed or cover from the sun and rain, to dry gradually. In about 14 days timber not exceeding 3 inches in thickness will be perfectly dry and seasoned, and fit for use. Large timbers will require a proportionate time, according to their thickness. Some processes of similar import may be shortly stated. In Bethel's process, creosote is employed and forced under heavy pressure into the pores of the wood. (1838.) Robbins expels moisture by heat and then saturates with coal-tar, resin, or bituminous oils, at 325° Fah. (1865). Blythe treats with steam combined with hydrocarbon vapor. Burnett employs chloride of zinc in solution, under pressure. (1838.) Boucherie used pyrolignite of iron. (1840.) Payne, sulphate of iron. (1842.) Margary, acetate or sulphate of copper. (1837.) Van der
Keir (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 11
ratum to be removed. Tossing with the Keeve. In the illustration the keeve is shown with a central shaft and a paddle, which is revolved until all the mineral contents are involved in the gyration of the water, when the action is moderated and the heavier particles gradually assume the lower position and eventually reach the bottom. The action is called tossing or tozing. Other contrivances in which the comminuted ore is agitated in water are known as jiggers, etc. See metallurgy. Keir. A vat for holding a bleaching liquor. The alkaline vat of a bleachery. See Buckingkier. Kel′lach. A wicker sledge or cart used in Scotland. Kem′e-lin. A brewer's vessel. Ke-men′geh. An Arab violoncello, with two strings. Kemps. 1. Impurities of fur; that is, knots and hairs which do not possess the felting property. 2. The coarse, rough hairs of some grades of wool. Ken′net. (Nautical.) A kevel or large cleat. Ken′nets. A coarse cloth made
Niagara County (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
ery, and discharge guns. Some of these things he performed. The kite has been used in scaling eminences; two remarkable occasions may be cited: the ascent of Pompey's pillar, a pillar of red granite 114 feet high, near Alexandria; and in the ascent of the Peter Botte Mountain in the Mauritius. It is also used for lodging a cord on steeples and other structures, to enable them to be fitted with lightning-rods or for the purpose of repair. The first wire of the foot Suspension-Bridge at Niagara was carried over by a kite. In 1827 Pocock yoked a pair of kites to a carriage, and traveled from London to Bristol. He determined that a 12-foot kite gave the power of a man, with a moderate breeze, and, when the wind is brisker, a power of 220 pounds. (This is an incomplete statement, but the figures are not ours.) The force, he states, in a rather high wind, is as the squares of the lengths of the kites; and two kites, of 12 and 15 feet respectively, will draw a carriage and four or
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (search for this): chapter 11
hown in the paintings of Thebes. These old knives had tangs like our case-knives, and for the same purpose. Among the first mentions of knives is that of Abraham, who took his knife to slay his son on Mt. Moriah. The history of edge-tools would include the history of the knife, and would carry one back to the Lacustrians and other remote inhabitants of the globe. History opens with men using knives of metal, but still retaining the flint knife for sacrificial occasions, as in Egypt, Mexico, and among the Hebrews. Other isolated races contented themselves with shells, as among the Caribs; Obsidian among the Peruvians, Mexicans; flint in ancient Europe and many other places. The first metallic knives were made of copper, and these were afterwards hardened by the addition of tin, making bronze. From the time of Osirtasen and Jacob down to the time of the Caesars and Pliny, bronze maintained its ascendency, but eventually gave way to iron and steel. The Mexicans had no iron
Franklin Mills, Portage County, Ohio (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
A wicker sledge or cart used in Scotland. Kem′e-lin. A brewer's vessel. Ke-men′geh. An Arab violoncello, with two strings. Kemps. 1. Impurities of fur; that is, knots and hairs which do not possess the felting property. 2. The coarse, rough hairs of some grades of wool. Ken′net. (Nautical.) A kevel or large cleat. Ken′nets. A coarse cloth made in Wales. Kent-bu′gle. The key-bugle invented by Logier early in this century, and named after the Duke of Kent, the father of Queen Victoria. It has six keys, and is the predecessor of the great tribe of cornets. Kent-ledge. Pigs of iron for permanent ballast, laid over the keelson-plates. Ke′per. A German twilled linen goods resembling marsella. Kofer. Ker′a-tome. A surgical knife used in the operation for artificial pupil. Also called iridectome or artificial-pupil knife. It is spear-pointed, doubleedged, and may be straight or angular. It is used for making an incisio
Peking (China) (search for this): chapter 11
o saw asunder an adversary's line, should it become fouled, when flying on a wager or for sport. The Celestials put as much enthusiasm into the business as do the owners of trim wherries, fast nags, fleet greyhounds, rampant game-cocks, surly bull-dogs, dapper terriers, or the other thousand and one devices or excuses for actively wasting time. Chinese kites are sometimes furnished with various aeolian attachments which imitate the songs of birds or the voices of men. The pigeons also in Pekin are frequently provided with a very light kind of aeolian harp, which is secured tightly to the two central feathers of their tails, so that in flying through the air the harps sound harmoniously. The frame of the Japanese bird kite is made of thin bamboo, and is covered with colored paper. The wings, which are somewhat concave, and fall back a little, are dark maroon, and the body and tail represent a bird. Small white twine is used. By various devices, the hoverering and soaring of a
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 11
of dough, which is again and again doubled and laid in the track of the roller. See biscuit-machine. Repeated passage between rollers, doubling the sliver between passages, is the ordinary mode of machine kneading. Harrison's biscuit-machine (English) operates thus (see biscuit-machine), and so do the American cracker-machines (which see). The hard-baked, unfermented cake called a biscuit by the French, English, and seafaring people generally, is a cracker among the landsmen of the United States, where it assumes many forms and is variously qualified as to ingredients, consistence, etc., c. g. sugar, water, butter, soda crackers. Cracker-dough was formerly kneaded by an instrument called a break. It was a lever, pivoted at one end to a ring in the wall, and operating on a semicircular bench on which the dough was laid. The man who operated it was called a breakman, and brought his weight to bear on the lever, giving it and himself a dancing motion as the break traversed in i
Cornwall (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 11
at intervals to produce the figure, one part being above and the other below. When different colors are used, the pattern will be the same on both sides, but the colors reversed. Kid′dle. A weir or fish-trap. Kid′ney-link. (Harness.) A coupling for the harness below the collar. Kid′nip-pers. (Molding.) Nippers used in gunmolding for bringing the hoops taut around the mold. Kil′las. (Mining.) The clay-slate in which the ores of copper and tin are found in Cornwall, England. Kiln. A furnace for calcining; as plaster of paris or carbonate of lime in its shapes of marble, chalk, or limestone. See lime-kiln. Or for baking articles of clay in the biscuit condition. A biscuit-kiln. See glaze-kiln. Or for drying malt, hops, lumber, grain, fruit, starch, biscuit, etc. Or for vitrifying articles of clay, such as pottery, porcelain, bricks. See porcelain; brick. Herodotus speaks of baking bricks in kilns. The latter word may refer t
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