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us Latin fathers. 1. Of MILAN (Mediolanensis), was the secretary of St. Ambrose, after whose death he became a deacon, and repaired to Africa, where, at the request of Saint Augustine, he composed a biography of his former patron. While residing at Carthage he encountered Coelestius, detected the dangerous tendency of the doctrines disseminated by that active disciple of Pelagius, and, having preferred an impeachment of heresy, procured his condemnation by the council which assembled in A. D. 212 under Aurelius. The accusation was divided into seven heads, of which six will be found in that portion of the Acts of the Synod, preserved by Marius Mercator. At a subsequent period (217-218) we find Paulinus appearing before Zosimus for the purpose of resisting the appeal against this decision, and refusing obedience to the adverse decree of the pope. Nothing further is known with regard to his history, except that we learn from Isidorus that he was eventually ordained a presbyter. Wor
the Acts of the Synod, preserved by Marius Mercator. At a subsequent period (217-218) we find Paulinus appearing before Zosimus for the purpose of resisting the appeal against this decision, and refusing obedience to the adverse decree of the pope. Nothing further is known with regard to his history, except that we learn from Isidorus that he was eventually ordained a presbyter. Works We possess the following works of this author: 1. Vita Ambrosii This, although commenced soon after A. D. 400, could not, from the historical allusions which it contains, have been finished until 412. Editions This piece will be found in almost all the editions of St. Ambrose. In many it is ascribed to Paulinus Nolanus, and in others to Paulinus Episcopus. 2. Libellus adversus Coelestium Zosimo Papae oblatus Drawn up and presented towards the close of A. D. 417. Editions It was printed from a Vatican MS. by Baronius, in his Annales, under A. D. 218, afterwards by Labbe, in his Collection
ii This, although commenced soon after A. D. 400, could not, from the historical allusions which it contains, have been finished until 412. Editions This piece will be found in almost all the editions of St. Ambrose. In many it is ascribed to Paulinus Nolanus, and in others to Paulinus Episcopus. 2. Libellus adversus Coelestium Zosimo Papae oblatus Drawn up and presented towards the close of A. D. 417. Editions It was printed from a Vatican MS. by Baronius, in his Annales, under A. D. 218, afterwards by Labbe, in his Collection of Councils, fol. Par. 1671, vol. ii. p. 1578, in the Benedictine edition of St. Augustine, vol. x. app. pt. 2, and by Constant, in his Epistolae Pontificum Romanorum, fol. Par. 1721, vol. i. p. 963. 3. De Benedictionibus Patriarcharum This is mentioned by Isidorus (De Viris Illustr. 100.41), but was not known to exist in an entire form until it was discovered by Mingarelli in a very ancient MS. belonging to the library out St. Salvator at Bologn
dained a presbyter. Works We possess the following works of this author: 1. Vita Ambrosii This, although commenced soon after A. D. 400, could not, from the historical allusions which it contains, have been finished until 412. Editions This piece will be found in almost all the editions of St. Ambrose. In many it is ascribed to Paulinus Nolanus, and in others to Paulinus Episcopus. 2. Libellus adversus Coelestium Zosimo Papae oblatus Drawn up and presented towards the close of A. D. 417. Editions It was printed from a Vatican MS. by Baronius, in his Annales, under A. D. 218, afterwards by Labbe, in his Collection of Councils, fol. Par. 1671, vol. ii. p. 1578, in the Benedictine edition of St. Augustine, vol. x. app. pt. 2, and by Constant, in his Epistolae Pontificum Romanorum, fol. Par. 1721, vol. i. p. 963. 3. De Benedictionibus Patriarcharum This is mentioned by Isidorus (De Viris Illustr. 100.41), but was not known to exist in an entire form until it was discov