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tan) of Crete, who took part in the second general council of Nicaea, A. D. 787. (Labbe, Concilia, vol. vii.) Leunclavius considers that the author was a different person from the prelate, and places the former in the sixth century or thereabout (Prooemiam in Sti Gragorii Nazianzeni Opera) Oudin, who has examined the subject most carefully, agrees with Leunclavius in distinguishing the writer from the prelate, and deduces from the internal evidence of his works that the writer lived about A. D. 1120 or 1130. Works He wrote:-- 1. Commentaries on several of the Orations of Gregory Nazianzen. There are several MSS. extant of these commentaries in the original Greek, but we believe they have never been printed. A Latin version of them, partly new, partly selected from former translations, was published by Billius with his Latin version of Gregory's works, and has been repeatedly reprinted. 2. A Commentary on the *Kli/mac, Climax, Scala Paradisi, or Ladder of Paraddise of Joannes o
Elias 5. ELIAS of CRETE. There are several works extant ascribed to Elias Cretensis, whom Rader, Cave, Fabricius, and others, suppose to have been Elias, bishop (or rather metropolitan) of Crete, who took part in the second general council of Nicaea, A. D. 787. (Labbe, Concilia, vol. vii.) Leunclavius considers that the author was a different person from the prelate, and places the former in the sixth century or thereabout (Prooemiam in Sti Gragorii Nazianzeni Opera) Oudin, who has examined the subject most carefully, agrees with Leunclavius in distinguishing the writer from the prelate, and deduces from the internal evidence of his works that the writer lived about A. D. 1120 or 1130. Works He wrote:-- 1. Commentaries on several of the Orations of Gregory Nazianzen. There are several MSS. extant of these commentaries in the original Greek, but we believe they have never been printed. A Latin version of them, partly new, partly selected from former translations, was published