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43 BC 170 170 Browse Search
44 BC 146 146 Browse Search
49 BC 140 140 Browse Search
45 BC 124 124 Browse Search
54 BC 121 121 Browse Search
46 BC 119 119 Browse Search
63 BC 109 109 Browse Search
48 BC 106 106 Browse Search
69 AD 95 95 Browse Search
59 BC 90 90 Browse Search
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is (Epist. 9.13), and certain expressions in his own works (e. g. Epist. 5.3, 1.39, 56). It has been maintained by some that he was a Gaul, and by others that he was a Spaniard; but neither of these positions is supported by even a shadow of evidence, while the opinion advanced by Petrarch and Politian, that he was of Florentine extraction, arose from their confounding the Florentinus addressed in the introduction to the second book of the Raptus Proserpinae, and who was praefectus urbi in A. D. 396, with the name of their native city. We are entirely ignorant of the parentage, education, and early career of Claudian, and of the circumstances under which he quitted his country. We find him at Rome in 395, when he composed his panegyric on the consulate of Probinus and Olybrius. He appears to have cultivated poetry previously, but this was his first essay in Latin verse, and the success by which it was attended induced him to abandon the Grecian for the Roman muse. (Epist. 4.13.) Durin