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e time of his father's death was only seventeen years old. Claudius therefore kept him at Rome, and sent Cuspius Fadus as procurator of the kingdom, which thus again became a Roman province. On the death of Herodes, king of Chalcis (A. D. 48), his little principality, with the right of superintending the temple and appointing the high priest, was given to Agrippa, who four years afterwards received in its stead the tetrarchies formerly held by Philip and Lysanias, with the title of king. In A. D. 55, Nero added the cities of Tiberias and Taricheae in Galilea, and Julias, with fourteen villages near it, in Peraea. Agrippa expended large sums in beautifying Jerusalem and other cities, especially Berytus. His partiality for the latter rendered hint unpopular amongst his own subjects, and the capricious manner in which he appointed and deposed the high priests, with some other acts which were distasteful, made him an object of dislike to the Jews. Before the outbreak of the war with the Ro
Hero'des Ii. Agrippa the son of Agrippa I., was educated at the court of the emperor Claudius, and at the time of his father's death was only seventeen years old. Claudius therefore kept him at Rome, and sent Cuspius Fadus as procurator of the kingdom, which thus again became a Roman province. On the death of Herodes, king of Chalcis (A. D. 48), his little principality, with the right of superintending the temple and appointing the high priest, was given to Agrippa, who four years afterwards received in its stead the tetrarchies formerly held by Philip and Lysanias, with the title of king. In A. D. 55, Nero added the cities of Tiberias and Taricheae in Galilea, and Julias, with fourteen villages near it, in Peraea. Agrippa expended large sums in beautifying Jerusalem and other cities, especially Berytus. His partiality for the latter rendered hint unpopular amongst his own subjects, and the capricious manner in which he appointed and deposed the high priests, with some other acts whic
gst his own subjects, and the capricious manner in which he appointed and deposed the high priests, with some other acts which were distasteful, made him an object of dislike to the Jews. Before the outbreak of the war with the Romans, Agrippa attempted in vain to dissuade the people from rebelling. When the war was begun, he sided with the Romans, and was wounded at the siege of Gamala. After the capture of Jerusalem, he went with his sister Berenice to Rome, where he was invested with the dignity of practor. He died in the seventieth year of his age, in the third year of the reign of Trajan. He was the last prince of the house of the Herods. It was before this Agrippa that the apostle Paul made his defence. A. D. 60. Acts. xxv. xxvi.) He lived on terms of intimacy with the historian Josephus, who has preserved two of the letters he received from him. (J. AJ 17.5.4, 19.9.2, 20.1.3, 5.2, 7.1, 8.4, 11, 9.4 ; Bell. Jud. 2.11.6, 12.1, 16, 17.1, 4.1.3; Vit. s. 54; Phot. cod. 33.) [C.P.M]