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it is recorded that in that same yearB.C. 326 Alexandria in Egypt was founded, and that Alexander, king of Epirus, being murdered by a Lucanian exile, fulfilled by his death the oracle of Jupiter at Dodona.The founding of Alexandria and the death of Alexander of Epirus are placed five years too late. they occurred in 332 or 331 B.C. on his being summoned to Italy by the Tarentines, the oracle had warned him to beware of the Acherusian water and the city Pandosia, for there he was destined to end his days. on this account he had passed over with the more speed into Italy, that he might be as far removed as possible from the city of Pandosia in Epirus and from the river Acheron, which, debouching from Molossis into the Infernal Marshes,The name was doubtless due to the association of the Acheron in Epirus with the Acheron of the lower world. discharges its waters into the Thesprotian Gulf. but, as generally happens, in seeking to escape his doom he ran full upon i