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riest of Sais, who told Herodotus that 'between Syene and Elephantine are two hills with conical tops. The name of one of them is Crophi, and of the other, Mophi. Mid-way between them are the fountains of the Nile.' (Herod., II., chapter 28.) And see 'Paradise Regained,' IV., 70: Syene, and where the shadow both way falls, Meroe, Nilotick isle; ... all these have learned ' To fear Pompeius: and far Baetis' Baetis is the Guadalquivir. stream, ' Last of all floods to join the refluent sea. ' Arabia and the warlike hordes that dwell ' Beside the Euxine wave: the famous land ' That lost the golden fleece; Cilician wastes, ' And Cappadocian, and the Jews who pray ' Before an unknown God; Sophene soft- ' All felt my yoke. What conquests now remain, ' What wars not civil can my kinsman wage? ' No loud acclaim received his words, nor shout Asked for the promised battle: and the chief Drew back the standards, for the soldier's fears Were in his soul alike; nor dared he trust An army, vanquish
s. Here of old Fled Cretan settlers when the dusky sail Theseus, on returning from his successful exploit in Crete, hoisted by mistake black sails instead of white, thus spreading false intelligence of disaster. Spread the false message of the hero dead; Here, where Hesperia, curving as a bow, Draws back her coast, a little tongue of land Shuts in with bending horns the sounding main. Yet insecure the spot, unsafe in storm, Were it not sheltered by an isle on which The Adriatic billows dash and fall, And tempests lose their strength: on either hand A craggy cliff opposing breaks the gale That beats upon them, while the ships within Held by their trembling cables ride secure. Hence to the mariner the boundless deep Lies open, whether for Corcyra's port He shapes his sails, or for Illyria's shore, And Epidamnus facing to the main Ionian. Here, when raging in his might Fierce Adria whelms in foam Calabria's coast, When clouds tempestuous veil Ceraunus' height, The sailor finds a haven.
Crete (Greece) (search for this): book 2, card 526
, in exile roams Through lonely plains or secret forest depths, Whets on opposing trunks his growing horn, And proves himself for battle, till his neck Is ribbed afresh with muscle: then returns, Defiant of the hind, and victor now Leads wheresoever he will his lowing bands: Thus Magnus, yielding to a stronger foe, Gave up Italia, and sought in flight Brundusium's sheltering battlements. Here of old Fled Cretan settlers when the dusky sail Theseus, on returning from his successful exploit in Crete, hoisted by mistake black sails instead of white, thus spreading false intelligence of disaster. Spread the false message of the hero dead; Here, where Hesperia, curving as a bow, Draws back her coast, a little tongue of land Shuts in with bending horns the sounding main. Yet insecure the spot, unsafe in storm, Were it not sheltered by an isle on which The Adriatic billows dash and fall, And tempests lose their strength: on either hand A craggy cliff opposing breaks the gale That beats upon
Phasis (Georgia) (search for this): book 2, card 526
ed her orb and waned, compelled to flight ' The pirate, shrinking from the open sea, ' And humbly begging for a narrow home ' In some poor nook on shore. 'Twas I again ' Who, happier far than Sulla, drave to death From B.C. 66 to B.C. 63, Pompeius conquered Mithridates, Syria, and the East, except Parthia. ' That king who, exiled to the deep recess ' Of Scythian Pontus, held the fates of Rome ' Still in the balances. Where is the land ' That has not seen my trophies? Icy waves ' Of northern Phasis, hot Egyptian shores, ' And where Syene 'neath its noontide sun ' Knows shade on neither hand: Being (as was supposed) exactly under the Equator. Syene (the modern Assouan) is the town mentioned by the priest of Sais, who told Herodotus that 'between Syene and Elephantine are two hills with conical tops. The name of one of them is Crophi, and of the other, Mophi. Mid-way between them are the fountains of the Nile.' (Herod., II., chapter 28.) And see 'Paradise Regained,' IV., 70: Syene, and w
nor dared he trust An army, vanquished by the fame alone Of Caesar's powers, to fight for such a prize. And as some bull, his early combat lost, Forth driven from the herd, in exile roams Through lonely plains or secret forest depths, Whets on opposing trunks his growing horn, And proves himself for battle, till his neck Is ribbed afresh with muscle: then returns, Defiant of the hind, and victor now Leads wheresoever he will his lowing bands: Thus Magnus, yielding to a stronger foe, Gave up Italia, and sought in flight Brundusium's sheltering battlements. Here of old Fled Cretan settlers when the dusky sail Theseus, on returning from his successful exploit in Crete, hoisted by mistake black sails instead of white, thus spreading false intelligence of disaster. Spread the false message of the hero dead; Here, where Hesperia, curving as a bow, Draws back her coast, a little tongue of land Shuts in with bending horns the sounding main. Yet insecure the spot, unsafe in storm, Were it not
s. Where is the land ' That has not seen my trophies? Icy waves ' Of northern Phasis, hot Egyptian shores, ' And where Syene 'neath its noontide sun ' Knows shade on neither hand: Being (as was supposed) exactly under the Equator. Syene (the modern Assouan) is the town mentioned by the priest of Sais, who told Herodotus that 'between Syene and Elephantine are two hills with conical tops. The name of one of them is Crophi, and of the other, Mophi. Mid-way between them are the fountains of the Nile.' (Herod., II., chapter 28.) And see 'Paradise Regained,' IV., 70: Syene, and where the shadow both way falls, Meroe, Nilotick isle; ... all these have learned ' To fear Pompeius: and far Baetis' Baetis is the Guadalquivir. stream, ' Last of all floods to join the refluent sea. ' Arabia and the warlike hordes that dwell ' Beside the Euxine wave: the famous land ' That lost the golden fleece; Cilician wastes, ' And Cappadocian, and the Jews who pray ' Before an unknown God; Sophene soft- ' A
Epidamnus (Albania) (search for this): book 2, card 526
s. Here of old Fled Cretan settlers when the dusky sail Theseus, on returning from his successful exploit in Crete, hoisted by mistake black sails instead of white, thus spreading false intelligence of disaster. Spread the false message of the hero dead; Here, where Hesperia, curving as a bow, Draws back her coast, a little tongue of land Shuts in with bending horns the sounding main. Yet insecure the spot, unsafe in storm, Were it not sheltered by an isle on which The Adriatic billows dash and fall, And tempests lose their strength: on either hand A craggy cliff opposing breaks the gale That beats upon them, while the ships within Held by their trembling cables ride secure. Hence to the mariner the boundless deep Lies open, whether for Corcyra's port He shapes his sails, or for Illyria's shore, And Epidamnus facing to the main Ionian. Here, when raging in his might Fierce Adria whelms in foam Calabria's coast, When clouds tempestuous veil Ceraunus' height, The sailor finds a haven.
ces. Where is the land ' That has not seen my trophies? Icy waves ' Of northern Phasis, hot Egyptian shores, ' And where Syene 'neath its noontide sun ' Knows shade on neither hand: Being (as was supposed) exactly under the Equator. Syene (the modeSyene (the modern Assouan) is the town mentioned by the priest of Sais, who told Herodotus that 'between Syene and Elephantine are two hills with conical tops. The name of one of them is Crophi, and of the other, Mophi. Mid-way between them are the fountains of thSyene and Elephantine are two hills with conical tops. The name of one of them is Crophi, and of the other, Mophi. Mid-way between them are the fountains of the Nile.' (Herod., II., chapter 28.) And see 'Paradise Regained,' IV., 70: Syene, and where the shadow both way falls, Meroe, Nilotick isle; ... all these have learned ' To fear Pompeius: and far Baetis' Baetis is the Guadalquivir. stream, ' Last oSyene, and where the shadow both way falls, Meroe, Nilotick isle; ... all these have learned ' To fear Pompeius: and far Baetis' Baetis is the Guadalquivir. stream, ' Last of all floods to join the refluent sea. ' Arabia and the warlike hordes that dwell ' Beside the Euxine wave: the famous land ' That lost the golden fleece; Cilician wastes, ' And Cappadocian, and the Jews who pray ' Before an unknown God; Sophene sof
Britannia (United Kingdom) (search for this): book 2, card 526
s people free, is mine: a throne ' Alone were higher; whoso would surpass ' Pompeius, aims at that. Both Consuls stand ' Here; here for battle stand your lawful chiefs: ' And shall this Caesar drag the Senate down? ' Not with such blindness, not so lost to shame ' Does Fortune rule. Does he take heart from Gaul, ' For years on years rebellious, and a life ' Spent there in labour? or because he fled ' Rhine's icy torrent and the shifting pools ' He calls an ocean? or unchallenged sought ' Britannia's cliffs; then turned his back in flight? ' Or does he boast because his citizens ' Were driven in arms to leave their hearths and homes? 'Ah, vain delusion! not from thee they fled: ' My steps they follow-mine, whose conquering signs ' Swept all the ocean,In B.C. 67, Pompeius swept the pirates off the seas. The whole campaign did not last three months. and who, ere the moon ' Twice filled her orb and waned, compelled to flight ' The pirate, shrinking from the open sea, ' And humbly begg
France (France) (search for this): book 2, card 526
Pompeius, ignorant that his captain thus Was taken, armed his levies newly raised To give his legions strength; and as he thought To sound his trumpets with the coming dawn, To test his soldiers ere he moved his camp Thus in majestic tones their ranks addressed: True host of Rome! avengers of her laws Ranked 'neath the standards of the better right, To whom the Senate gives no private arms, Ask by your voices for the battle sign. Fierce falls the pillage on Hesperian fields, And Gallia's fury o'er the snowy Alps Is poured upon us. Caesar's swords at last ' Are red with Roman blood. But with the wound We gain the better cause; the crime is theirs. Through me her captain Rome for vengeance calls; ' Tis no true fight to wreak your country's ire. ' Was that a war when Catilina's hand ' Lifted against her roofs the flaming torch, ' And, partner in his fury, Lentulus, ' And mad Cethegus This family is also alluded to by Horace ('Ars Poetica,' 50) as having worn a garment of ancient fashion
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