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Tiberius (New Mexico, United States) 54 0 Browse Search
Tiberius (New Mexico, United States) 46 0 Browse Search
Livia (Kentucky, United States) 24 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Divus Augustus (ed. Alexander Thomson). Search the whole document.

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Livia (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): life aug., chapter 97
uses to the actor's praise. After which, having dismissed them all, whilst he was inquiring of some persons who were just arrived from Rome, concerning Drusus's daughter, who was in a bad state of health, he expired suddenly, amidst the kisses of Livia, and with these words: "Livia! live mindful of our union; and now, farewell!" dying a very easy death, and such as he himself had always wished for. For as often as he heard that any person had died quickly and without pain, he wished for himselfLivia! live mindful of our union; and now, farewell!" dying a very easy death, and such as he himself had always wished for. For as often as he heard that any person had died quickly and without pain, he wished for himself and his friends the like eu)qanasi/an (an easy death), for that was the word he made use of. He betrayed but one symptom, before he breathed his last, of being delirious, which was this: he was all on a sudden much frightened, and complained that he was carried away by forty men. But this was rather a presage, than any delirium: for precisely that number of soldiers belonging to the praetorian cohort, carried out his corpse.