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Browsing named entities in a specific section of John Conington, Commentary on Vergil's Aeneid, Volume 2. Search the whole document.

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Comp. 7. 763, 764, which these lines nearly repeat. Matris Gud., Martis Med., Pal., Rom., and one of Ribbeck's cursives. Mars is not known to have been connected with Sicily, and the grove of Mars at Colchis may have been thought of by transcribers. It is still open to question whether Matris means Ceres, who was of course worshipped in Sicily, or some nymph who was mother of Arcens' son. Perhaps the latter is the more probable view. For the river Symaethus see Dict. G. The story of the Palici,Sicily, or some nymph who was mother of Arcens' son. Perhaps the latter is the more probable view. For the river Symaethus see Dict. G. The story of the Palici, who were Sicilian deities, was variously told: see Dict. M. They were mentioned in the *ai)tnai=ai, a lost tragedy of Aesch. A difficulty has been made about the sing., for which Palicum and Palicis have been proposed, while Wagn. at one time suggested that Palici was nom. pl. in apposition to ara: now he quotes Ov. 2 Ex Pont. 10. 25, Hennaeosque lacus et olentia stagna Palici.