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Ithaca (Greece) 166 0 Browse Search
Troy (Turkey) 112 0 Browse Search
Laertes 80 0 Browse Search
Pylos (Greece) 76 0 Browse Search
Cyclops (Arizona, United States) 36 0 Browse Search
Argos (Greece) 32 0 Browse Search
Crete (Greece) 24 0 Browse Search
Egypt (Egypt) 22 0 Browse Search
Lacedaemon (Greece) 22 0 Browse Search
Olympus (Greece) 22 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Homer, The Odyssey (ed. Samuel Butler, Based on public domain edition, revised by Timothy Power and Gregory Nagy.). Search the whole document.

Found 7 total hits in 1 results.

Cyclops (Arizona, United States) (search for this): book 9, card 5
he gripped up two of my men at once and dashed them down upon the ground as though they had been puppies. Their brains were shed upon the ground, and the earth was wet with their blood. Then he tore them limb from limb and supped upon them. He gobbled them up like a lion in the wilderness, flesh, bones, marrow, and entrails, without leaving anything uneaten. As for us, we wept and lifted up our hands to heaven on seeing such a horrid sight, for we did not know what else to do; but when the Cyclops had filled his huge paunch, and had washed down his meal of human flesh with a drink of neat milk, he stretched himself full length upon the ground among his sheep, and went to sleep. I was at first inclined to seize my sword, draw it, and drive it into his vitals, but I reflected that if I did we should all certainly be lost, for we should never be able to shift the stone which the monster had put in front of the door. So we stayed sobbing and sighing where we were till morning came. "Whe