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Athens (Greece) 22 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Xenophon, Memorabilia (ed. E. C. Marchant). Search the whole document.

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Greece (Greece) (search for this): book 3, chapter 6
ng him, he stopped him and contrived to engage his attention by saying: “Glaucon, have you made up your mind to be our chief man in the state?”“I have, Socrates.”“Well, upon my word there's no more honourable ambition in the world; for obviously, if you gain your object, you will be able to get whatever you want, and you will have the means of helping your friends: you will lift up your father's house and exalt your fatherland; and you will make a name for yourself first at home, later on in Greece, and possibly, like Themistocles, in foreign lands as well; wherever you go, you will be a man of mark.” When Glaucon heard this, he felt proud and gladly lingered.Next Socrates asked, “Well, Glaucon, as you want to win honour, is it not obvious that you must benefit your city?”“Most certainly.”“Pray don't be reticent, then; but tell us how you propose to begin your services to the state.” As Glaucon remained dumb, apparently considering for the first time how to beg