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Troy (Turkey) 36 0 Browse Search
Argive (Greece) 32 0 Browse Search
Ilium (Turkey) 14 0 Browse Search
Thrace (Greece) 14 0 Browse Search
Greece (Greece) 10 0 Browse Search
Phrygia (Turkey) 8 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge). Search the whole document.

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Argive (Greece) (search for this): card 833
with your subtle words, you yourself a barbarian? You did this deed; neither they who have died nor we who are wounded will believe it was any other. A long and clever speech you'll need to prove to me you did not slay your friends because you coveted the horses, and to gain them murdered your own allies, after strongly imposing on them come. They came, they are dead; Paris found more decent means to shame the rights of hospitality than you, who killed your allies. No, do not tell me some Argive came and slaughtered us. Who could have passed the Trojan lines and come against us without detection? You and your Phrygian troops were camped in front of us. Who was wounded, who was slain among your friends, when that foe you speak of came? It was we, far off, were wounded, while some have met a sterner fate and said farewell to the sunlight. Briefly, then, I blame no Achaean. For what enemy could have come and found the lowly bed of Rhesus in the dark, unless some god were guiding the
Achaia (Greece) (search for this): card 833
was wounded, who was slain among your friends, when that foe you speak of came? It was we, far off, were wounded, while some have met a sterner fate and said farewell to the sunlight. Briefly, then, I blame no Achaean. For what enemy could have come and found the lowly bed of Rhesus in the dark, unless some god were guiding the murderers' steps? They did not know so much as know of his arrival. No, this is your plot! Hector For a long time now I have had to do with allies, yes, ever since Achaea's army settled in this land, and never a harsh word have I known them say of me; but with you I am to make a beginning. Never may such longing for horses seize me that I should slay my friends! This is the work of Odysseus; for who of all the Argives but he would have devised or carried out such a deed? I fear him; and my mind is a little troubled lest he should have met and slain Dolon as well; for he has been gone a long time and does not appear. Charioteer I do not know this Odysseus