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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Demosthenes, Against Callippus. Search the whole document.

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No sooner had he set out, and was sailing around the Argolic gulf, than his ship was captured by pirate vessels and his goods taken to Argos, while he himself was shot down by an arrow, and met his death. Immediately after this mischance this man Callippus came to the bank, and asked whether they knew Lycon, the Heracleote. Phormion, who is here present, answered that they knew him. “Was he a customer of yours?” “He was,” said Phormion, “but why do you ask?” “Why?” said he, “I will tell you. He is dead, and, as it happens, I am proxenosThe proxenos was sort of consular agent, empowered to act in the interest of his country and his countryman in a foreign state. of the Heracleotes. I demand therefore that you show me your books, that I may know whether he
ured by pirate vessels and his goods taken to Argos, while he himself was shot down by an arrow, and met his death. Immediately after this mischance this man Callippus came to the bank, and asked whether they knew Lycon, the Heracleote. Phormion, who is here present, answered that they knew him. “Was he a customer of yours?” “He was,” said Phormion, “but why do you ask?” “Why?” said he, “I will tell you. He is dead, and, as it happens, I am proxenosThe proxenos was sort of consular agent, empowered to act in the interest of his country and his countryman in a foreign state. of the Heracleotes. I demand therefore that you show me your books, that I may know whether he has left any money; for I must of necessity look after the affairs of all the men of Heraclea.”