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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Aristotle, Metaphysics. Search the whole document.

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ities and some to the pastimes of life, the inventors of the latter were always considered wiser than those of the former,because their branches of knowledge did not aim at utility.Hence when all the discoveries of this kind were fully developed, the sciences which relate neither to pleasure nor yet to the necessities of life were invented, and first in those places where men had leisure. Thus the mathematical sciences originated in the neighborhood of Egypt, because there the priestly class was allowed leisure.Cf. Plat. Phaedrus 274, Hdt. 2.109.The difference between art and science and the other kindred mental activities has been stated in theEthicsAristot. Nic. Eth. 6.1139b 14-1141b 8.; the reason for our present discussion is that it is generally assumed that what is called Wisdomi.e. Metaphysics. is concerned with the primary causes and principles, so that, as has been already stated, the man of exp