Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for Wright or search for Wright in all documents.

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und Richmond. On the 31st of October, 1864, there were one hundred and fifty-three pieces in position on the national lines, of which twenty were field artillery; and at the fall of Richmond, in April, 1865, one hundred and seventy-five guns were captured, of which forty-one were either 6 or 12 pounders. This does not include the artillery found in the city, nor that taken in the field. In my account of the works around Richmond and Petersburg, I have made free use of papers by Major-General Wright, Chief of Engineers, United States Army, and Lieutenant-Colonel Michie, also of the Engineers, published in the Report on the Defences of Washington, by Major-General Barnard, of the same corps; as well as of a paper on the Fortifications of Petersburg, by Lieutenant Featherstonaugh, of the Royal (British) Engineers. I am also indebted for valuable assistance to Major-General Humphreys, late Chief of Engineers, United States Army. The people of the North entirely failed to appreciate
edar creek Sheridan summoned to Wash. Ington Wright left in command Early determines to attack Shctober 18th assault on left of national army Wright driven back in confusion seven miles Sheridanront Royal, but there received a despatch from Wright, who had been left at Cedar Creek, in command cavalry raid, and ordered Torbert to return to Wright at Cedar Creek. This was on Sunday, the 16th of October. Wright had announced: If the enemy should be strongly reinforced in cavalry, he might, was found well guarded, for it was here that Wright apprehended an attack; See page 90. and Earhe opposite flank, where Sheridan had directed Wright to close in on Powell. But Powell was at the rd, and before daybreak had struck the rear of Wright's command. Kershaw's attack on the national ly knew that they were being led to victory. Wright now returned to his corps, Getty to his divisir's Hill. He had retaken all the guns lost by Wright, and captured twenty-four pieces of artillery [2 more...]
rders for the movement were issued. Parke and Wright were at first to be left in the trenches in frParke was senior in the trenches, and directed Wright and Warren each to move a division to the threeade arrived on the field, he promptly ordered Wright and Humphreys to advance and feel the enemy ines, and joined the moving column. Parke and Wright now held the works in front of Petersburg, andarmy was formed in the following order: Parke, Wright, Ord, Humphreys, Warren. The Fifth corps had n Hatcher's run, near Burgess's mill, and Ord, Wright, and Parke made examinations in their fronts t if his estimate of Lee's forces was correct. Wright and Parke reported favorably to an assault, annecessary orders. Orders have been given Ord, Wright, and Parke to be ready to assault at daylight trate the weakened lines in front of Parke, or Wright, or Ord. The rebel general, however, was alcher's run and the Appomattox river. Besides, Wright thinks he can go through the line where he is,[1 more...]
was reported to Grant, he said: I like the way Wright talks. It argues success. I heartily approved directly down the White Oak road. Parke and Wright can open with artillery and feel with skirmishg of the 2nd of April, the assault was made by Wright and Parke; Ord and Humphreys at first waiting h his left guiding on the rebel entrenchments, Wright moved down towards Hatcher's run. At first theuccess, and Grant instantly sent word to Ord: Wright has carried the enemy's line, and is pushing iispatch to City Point, for the President: Both Wright and Parke got through the enemy's line. The bw the portion of the rebel army north of where Wright broke through are to escape. While he wrote, Directions for Parke to hold out were renewed; Wright and Ord were to move along inside the captured now entered the works at the point carried by Wright, and passed along the front of the Sixth corpsication surrendering the town was forwarded by Wright to Meade. The flag of the Sixth Michigan shar[27 more...]
Humphreys has nine or ten miles to march, and Wright from twenty-one to twenty-two. Meade was fuphreys moved between one and two o'clock, and Wright at three in the morning, both corps without rame direction, to close around the fugitives. Wright had previously been instructed to continue therest road to Farmville. This dispatch found Wright absolutely engaged, so that the movement it di the column again. As soon as the road was in Wright's possession, Sheridan ordered him to wheel tor moving on the right, and both facing south. Wright and Sheridan rode between the columns. Justn front, and Merritt's cavalry in their rear. Wright looked upon the entire command as prisoners, a had passed by the rear of both Humphreys and Wright, and was now marching for Prince Edward, accorsumed the pursuit on the Lynchburg stage road, Wright following on a parallel road. No halt was mado New Store, seventeen miles, and on the 9th, Wright followed Humphreys to the vicinity of Appomatt[25 more...]
the following dispatch from Major-General Halleck, commanding the Military Division of the James. Generals Canby and Thomas were instructed some days ago that Sherman's arrangements with Johnston were disapproved by the President, and they were ordered to disregard it, and push the enemy in every direction. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War. General Halleck to Secretary Stanton. Richmond, Virginia, April 26, 9.30 P. M. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: Generals Meade, Sheridan, and Wright are acting under orders to pay no regard to any truce or orders of General Sherman respecting hostilities, on the ground that Sherman's agreement could bind his command only, and no other. They are directed to push forward, regardless of orders from any one, except from General Grant, and cut off Johnston's retreat. Beauregard has telegraphed to Danville that a new arrangement has been made with Sherman, and that the advance of the Sixth corps was to be suspended until further orders.
, 365; assaults under direction of, 369; personal characteristics of, 370, 371; official reports as to failure to take Petersburg, 377-379; peremptory commands to Wright before Petersburg, 385; trouble with W. F. Smith, 464; Burnside's mine 466-485; movement against Weldon road. 506, 514, 516; battle of Ream's station, 528; movemeseizing, 377, 382; Wilson's raid upon, 403-412; attempts to reach, October, 1864, III., 115-122, 132; one object of final movement from Petersburg, 442; seized by Wright, 510. Spottsylvania, battles around, II., 136; nature and features of battle-field, 138; movements of May 8, 142; fighting on the Po river, 152-160; Warren's a-220; at battle of Nashville, 253-258; in pursuit of Hood, 259; campaign into Alabama, 637, 638. Wood, General T. J., at battle of Nashville, III., 253-260. Wright, General Horatio G., in command of Sixth corps, II., 150; at Spottsylvania, 163; on North Anna, 227, 229; movement to Cold Harbor, 264, 270; battle of Cold Harbor