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Jefferson Davis, The Rise and Fall of the Confederate Government 18 2 Browse Search
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aliation will be extended so far as shall be requisite to secure the abandonment of a practice unknown to the warfare of civilized man, and so barbarous as to disgrace the nation which shall be guilty of inaugurating it. A reply was promised to this letter, but none came. Still later in the year the privateer Jefferson Davis was captured, the captain and crew brought into Philadelphia, and the captain tried and found guilty of piracy and threatened with death. Immediately I instructed General Winder, at Richmond, to select one prisoner of the highest rank, to be confined in a cell appropriated to convicted felons, and treated in all respects as if convicted, and to be held for execution in the same manner as might be adopted for the execution of the prisoner of war in Philadelphia. He was further instructed to select thirteen other prisoners of the highest rank, to be held in the same manner as hostages for the thirteen prisoners held in New York for trial as pirates. By this cour
Harpers Ferry, and he was resolved they should not rest on Virginia soil. General Winder's brigade in the advance found the enemy drawn up in line of battle at Chadvance of General Shields approached on the 8th, the brigades of Taliaferro and Winder were ordered to occupy positions immediately north of the bridge. The enemy's his forced marches had been made, and on which his best hopes depended. General Winder's brigade moved down the river to attack, when the enemy's battery upon the the battery of the enemy, but our fire proved unequal to theirs, whereupon General Winder, having been reenforced, attempted by a rapid charge to capture it, but encl safely withdrawn except one six-pounder gun. In this critical condition of Winder's command, General Taylor made a successful attack on the left and rear of the aylor, the enemy halted in his advance, and formed a line facing the mountain. Winder succeeded in rallying his command, and our batteries were replaced in their for
mission to be heard according to law was denied him. Captain Wirz had been in command at the Confederate prison at Andersonville. The first charge alleged against him was that of conspiring with myself, Secretary Seddon, General Howell Cobb, General Winder, and others, to cause the death of thousands of the prisoners through cruelty, etc. The second charge was alleged against himself for murder in violation of the laws and customs of war. The military commission before which he was tried wast Andersonville. If I knew anything of him, I would not become a traitor against him or anybody else to save my life. Thus ended the attempt to suborn Captain Wirz against Jefferson Davis. The following is an extract from a letter of Captain C. B. Winder to Mrs. Davis, dated Eastern Shore of Virginia, January 9, 1867: The door of the room which I occupied while in confinement at the Old Capitol Prison, Washington, was immediately opposite Captain Wirz's door—both of which were occasion
, Captain, 229. Wickham, General, 452. Wickliffe, Captain, 33. Wigfall Senator, 472. Wilcox, General, 69, 71, 103, 273,302, 306, 307, 310, 435, 436, 438, 547. Wilderness, Battle of, 427, 433-37. Wilkinson, Capt., John, 222. Williams, P., 124. Williamsburg. Evacuation, 76-79. Wilmer, Bishop, 634. Wilmington, N. C. Harbor defense, 171. Wilson, General, 131, 544, 592. Gen. J. H., 354, 594, 595, 596. Winchester, Va., Battle of, 449-50. Federal troops routed, 367. Winder, Capt. C. B., 419. Gen. Charles S., 90-91, 93, 94, 95. Death, 266. Act of heroism, 266-67. Gen. John H., 10, 418, 505-06. Winslow, Captain, 214. Winston, Col. 358. Wirz, Major, Henry, 505. Trial and execution, 417-18. Vindication, 418-20. Wise, Lieutenant, 575. Gen. Henry A., 122, 133, 575. Withers, General, 51. Wofford, General, 454. Wolford, Col. Frank., 397. Wood, Col., John Taylor, 188, 222, 576, 589, 590, 595. Woods, General, 36. Wool, General, 69, 74, 82, 497-98. Woolle