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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 6: a division in the ranks (search)
ut more especially at those times when to speak Truth is dangerous. In 1840 Whittier's health had become impaired anew; his father had died, and his mother, sisterecome its leader, and that Caleb Cushing might espouse its cause. At one time Whittier and Henry B. Stanton were deputed by the American Antislavery Society to go thy public speakers who would take part in the war against slavery. Pickard's Whittier, I. 250. He had at one time planned, when he felt himself more in command of hsts and sometimes separated them into opposing ranks, little need be said, for Whittier was never personally combative, and though he was severely tested as to his peined there could be such people in the world as the Border Ruffians. With all Whittier's Arab look and his admiration of General Gordon, I think he would have found the still more difficult test of John Brown, this letter to Mrs. Child showed Whittier to be the non-resistant still:-- October 21st, [1859]. My dear friend,--I
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 7: Whittier as a social reformer (search)
Chapter 7: Whittier as a social reformer It must be borne in mind, as regards Whittier, that hes and colours. As this controversy tested Whittier in an important light, I give a specimen passy gash the bosom of a young mother! Kennedy's Whittier, 275-79. It has been stated that Mr. WhitMr. Whittier at one time expressed to a member of the Massachusetts Historical Society his intention to prepharacters in fiction, the one who most caught Whittier's fancy was that indomitable old German, Lindeditors to take up this theme. A year later Whittier writes from Amesbury, whither he had removed:the building is to be converted into stores. Whittier himself, as I remember well, at Atlantic Cluball ever be introduced into the pulpit. Mr. Whittier published a card in the Boston Transcript ony way connected with the proceedings. To Whittier, as to many, including all advocates of univey the best and wisest of the land. Pickard's Whittier, II. 603-04. Whittier was the only one of[16 more...]
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 8: personal qualities (search)
t give to the works which interested her; yet Whittier was distinctly treading a similar path when h the best meetings I ever attended. Kennedy's Whittier, pp. 167-68. No one came nearer to WhittWhittier in all good deeds or in private intimacy than the late Mrs. Mary B. Claflin, well known in Bostoverge of a great moral lapse a marked copy of Whittier than any other book in our language. She goepresident replied, Go to the library and take Whittier's poems, sit down by your window and read Theieted by being persuaded to sit down and read Whittier's poem on The eternal Goodness. These wereother subjects. He had, it seems, translated Whittier's Cry of a lost soul into Portuguese. When, like a fool. A woman said to me yesterday, Mr. Whittier, your smile is a benediction. As I was waland self-withdrawing in conversation although Whittier might be, he was never caught at a disadvanta was excluded save under disguise, I remember Whittier's glances of subdued amusement while Lowell a[22 more...]
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 9: Whittier at home (search)
Chapter 9: Whittier at home One of Whittier's biographers, Mr. William Sloane Kennedy, who hasd admission in comparing the two. He says of Whittier, He is democratic, not so powerfully and broa745. One of the very best delineations of Whittier by one of those who approached him on the pubtral Committee, I was designated to conduct Mr. Whittier from his rooms in Boston on the morning of of manhood. Does thee think so? said Whittier. I suppose thee would admit that Jesus Chris two poets liked to compare notes upon them. Whittier had a neighbour whose original remarks he lovhis Mr. Plato has a good many of my ideas. Whittier gave to Mrs. Claflin, also, this account of hdilection for fighters. Garibaldi was one of Whittier's heroes, so was General Gordon, so was youngs the voice of God in his soul. Mrs. Fields's Whittier, pp. 50-51. It is an interesting fact that one of the best pictures ever drawn of Whittier in his home life is that drawn by Hayne, the South[11 more...]
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Chapter 10: the religious side (search)
Chapter 10: the religious side Whittier, as has already been seen, was born and brought up in the Societand was not a Quaker. At the time of her wedding, Whittier, who then edited the Freeman, was invited to attennext day, with a congratulatory poem. Pickard's Whittier, I. 235. This fairly indicates the hold his early tward observances alone. In reading, not merely Whittier's meditative and spiritual poems, but the very texaken all the sing out of our people. Mrs. Fields's Whittier, p. 52. Yet the manner in which historic extrean in a fact in early Quaker tradition revealed by Whittier to Mrs. Fields. In speaking of Rossetti and his extraordinary medieval ballad of Sister Helen, Whittier confessed himself strongly attracted to it, because he Hell and Heaven.) It is evident, however, that Whittier had in early life some vague vision of an intellecan, miserable men; from which general condemnation Whittier was exempted, although in later years their friend
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier, Index. (search)
ittier's letter to, 46, 47; acquaintance with Whittier, 110, 111. Endicott, Gov., John, 83-85. E, 49-52, 57, 78, 81, 129, 135, 157; discovers Whittier, 21; his Life, quoted, 22-26, 49, 50, 61, 71;urnal of the Times quoted, 25; mentioned, 73; Whittier's letters to, 26, 49, 50; relation between Wh; his party, 68; his tribute to Whittier, 72; Whittier's tribute to, 72-75; differs from Whittier, 75; compared with Whittier, 95, 96. Geneva, Switzerland, 166. Georgetown, Mass., 89, 90. Gerry, , 111, 112. Hayne, Paul H., his poem about Whittier, 113, 114. Hazlitt, William, his essay On B., quoted, 7. McKim, J. Miller, describes Whittier, 54. Maine, 53. Martineau, Dr., James, 16entioned, 165, 171, 172. Neall, Elizabeth, Whittier's letter to, 70, 71. Nebraska, 46. New Enph, 5. Pedro II., Dom, his acquaintance with Whittier, 100, 101. Penn, William, 3, 119. Pennsylineation of Whittier, 110; his description of Whittier's funeral, 185. Republican party, 68. Rey[44 more...]