Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 22, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Ellas Vanderlip or search for Ellas Vanderlip in all documents.

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operty recovered. They were sent on before the Husting Court for further examination. Ellas Vanderlip, Thomas Mack, Philip Colsan Christopher Russell, Tom and Billy, slaves of Jno. Sledd, were f a fishery on one of the islands in James river. It appeared that a gentleman had applied to Vanderlip, (who is in the oyster business,) to supply him with a value for use in the canal and country arried it broke down Monday night, about 12 o'clock near the corner of 9th and Main sts. While Vanderlip went for assistance the watchmen came by, and learning the contents of the wagon and the name found in possession of the seine, they having been not fled by Mr. Gitchoock of his loss, When Vanderlip came back with another wagon they asked him who the property belonged to, and he replied to hie committed, without bail, for examination on the charge of grand larceny. About a week since Vanderlip was released from jail, having just finished a six months term for misdemeanor. On Saturday t