Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for A. T. A. Torbert or search for A. T. A. Torbert in all documents.

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lan Sheridan's attack original success of rebels Sheridan restores the day Torbert's cavalry charge victory of national forces retreat of Early, whirling throuth spirit, forcing the enemy rapidly from his position, and at the same moment Torbert's. cavalry came sweeping up the Martinsburg road, overlapping Early's left, anr. Then returning to the right, where the battle was still raging, he ordered Torbert to charge with the remainder of the cavalry. Torbert advanced simultaneously Torbert advanced simultaneously with the infantry. The country was entirely open, and the movement could be distinctly seen by the enemy. Unable to resist any longer, crowded on both flanks, and main national line moved up in front of the rebel position. At the same time Torbert, with the greater part of the cavalry, was sent up the Luray valley on the lef but without being able to bring on an engagement. The rebels moved fast, and Torbert had not arrived with the cavalry in time to check them. He had been detained
's Brook, three or four miles south of Fisher's Hill. That night Torbert, in command of the national horse, was ordered to engage the rebel far as Front Royal; for, like a good soldier, he intended to push Torbert through Chester Gap as far as Charlottesville, in accordance with warn Sheridan, who at once abandoned the cavalry raid, and ordered Torbert to return to Wright at Cedar Creek. This was on Sunday, the 16td at the foot of the mountain was impracticable for artillery; but Torbert's cavalry was massed on the opposite flank, and Rosser's reconnoisached the front, where he found Merritt and Custer's cavalry under Torbert, and Getty's division of the Sixth corps opposing the enemy. He a in three pitched battles, besides one cavalry engagement in which Torbert commanded; had captured sixty guns in the open field, in addition at a critical juncture which decided the day, and the approach of Torbert's force that sent the rebels whirling through Winchester; while at
Very respectfully, your obedient servant, P. H. Sheridan, Major-General. Brigadier-General L. Thomas, Adjutant-General, United States Army. Field return of troops in the field belonging to the Middle military division, September 10, 1864. Present for duty. troops.officers.Enlisted.aggregate. 6th Army Corps, Infantry66812,02812,696 Artillery22626648 19th Army Corps, Infantry66012,15012,810 Artillery7208215 Army of West Virginia, Infantry8066,8347,140 Artillery12855367 Cavalry (Torbert's)3396,1266,465 Artillery7346358 Military District Harper's Ferry2044,6114,815 —————— 2,20843,28445,487 This return is the only one made by Sheridan to the Adjutant-General prior to the battle of Winchester; and, as it was accompanied by a statement of its incompleteness, I applied to his Headquarters for a return of his effective strength, but, owing to the loss of all his papers in the Chicago fire, I was unable to obtain either the numbers or organizations detached from his
enemy's infantry came up next day and was trying to flank me, when I moved off in line of battle for eight miles, occasionally halting to check the enemy. This continued till nearly sundown, when I got a position at which I checked the enemy's further progress for that day, and then moved under cover of night towards Port Republic to unite with Kershaw. After doing this, I drove a division of cavalry from my front at Port Republic, and then moved to Waynesboro, where two divisions under Torbert were destroying the bridge, and drove them away; and, after remaining there one day, I moved to the vicinity of Mount Crawford, where I awaited the arrival of Rosser's brigade to take the offensive; but, before it arrived, the enemy was discovered to be falling back on the morning of the 6th. I immediately commenced following the enemy, and arrived here on the 7th, and have been waiting to ascertain whether Sheridan intends crossing the Blue Ridge before moving further. Respectfully, J.
ted by Grant, Lincoln, and Stanton, 262; promoted to major-generalcy, 268; proposes to go into winter quarters, 270; movement forbidden by Grant, 270; delays in 1865, 392, 411; observations on military character, 274; slowness of, 279, 365,411; breaking up of army of, 365, delays in action embarrassing to Grant, 391, 393. Tilghman, General Lloyd, retreats from Paducah, i., 12, capture of, at Fort: Henry, 30; death at Champion's hill, 271. Tom's brook, battle of, III., 86. Torbert, General A. T. A., in Sheridan's expedition to Trevillian, II., 393, 394; at battle of Winchester, III., 30; at battle of Fisher's hill, 31; sent to Newmarket, 32; at Tom's brook, 86, 87; at battle of Cedar creek, 90. Trevillian station, battle of, II., 393. Tuttle, General James M. at Jackson, i., 248; assault on Vicksburg, 311; siege of Vicksburg 345. Trade with enemy inimical to success in war, i., 409-411. Unanimity of North, as well as South, i., 4. United States, growth of, i.,