Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 3. You can also browse the collection for Tilghman or search for Tilghman in all documents.

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242; ordered by Grant to be relieved by Schofield, 242: correspondence with Grant and Halleck 244, 245; at battle of Nashville, 249-260; pursuit of Hood 261; congratulated by Grant, Lincoln, and Stanton, 262; promoted to major-generalcy, 268; proposes to go into winter quarters, 270; movement forbidden by Grant, 270; delays in 1865, 392, 411; observations on military character, 274; slowness of, 279, 365,411; breaking up of army of, 365, delays in action embarrassing to Grant, 391, 393. Tilghman, General Lloyd, retreats from Paducah, i., 12, capture of, at Fort: Henry, 30; death at Champion's hill, 271. Tom's brook, battle of, III., 86. Torbert, General A. T. A., in Sheridan's expedition to Trevillian, II., 393, 394; at battle of Winchester, III., 30; at battle of Fisher's hill, 31; sent to Newmarket, 32; at Tom's brook, 86, 87; at battle of Cedar creek, 90. Trevillian station, battle of, II., 393. Tuttle, General James M. at Jackson, i., 248; assault on Vicksburg, 311;