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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, The new world and the new book 24 0 Browse Search
Bliss Perry, The American spirit in lierature: a chronicle of great interpreters 16 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge 10 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men 6 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli 2 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays 2 0 Browse Search
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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Chapter 1: old Cambridge (search)
famation which literary history has much oftener seen. Even Concord, in spite of its soothing name, did not always exhibit among its literary men that relation of unbroken harmony which marked the three most eminent of those here classed as Cambridge authors. It is well known that Emerson distrusted the sombre tone of Hawthorne's writings and advised young people not to read them; and that Judge Hoar, Emerson's inseparable friend, could conceive of no reason why any one should wish to see Thoreau's Journals published. Among the Knickerbocker circles in New York it seems to have been still worse, Cooper the novelist, says Parke Godwin, always brought a breeze of quarrel with him. Cooper wrote thus to Rufus W. Griswold (August 7, 1842): A published eulogy of myself from Irving's pen could not change my opinion of his career .... Cuvier has the same faults as Irving, and so had Scott. They were all meannesses, and I confess I can sooner pardon crimes, if they are manly ones. I hav
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Chapter 2: old Cambridge in three literary epochs (search)
his certainly established at the outset a very close connection between the new literary movement and Old Cambridge; and among its later writers Lowell, Cranch, and Miss S. S. Jacobs were residents of Cambridge, while others, as Parker, Dwight, Thoreau, and Ellery Channing had spent more or less time at the University. Sarah Margaret Fuller, afterward Countess of Ossoli, was quite as distinctly as either Holmes or Lowell the product of Cambridge; whose academic influences, though applied inolitical article for each number, Mr. Hildreth (very much interested in the undertaking), Thos. W. Parsons, author of an excellent translation of Dante, Parke Godwin of the New York Evening Post, Mr. Ripley of the Tribune, Dr. Elder of Phila, H. D. Thoreau of Concord, Theodore Parker (my most valued friend), Edmund Quincy, James R. Lowell (from whom I have a most exquisite gem). Many to whom I have written have not replied as yet. I shall have the general supervision of the Magazine,inten
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Chapter 5: Lowell (search)
rrow, shallow, and hard, destitute of the insight, the comprehension, the sympathy, by which the true critic, the true poet, searches the domain of thought and the recesses of the mind, illumines the emotions and kindles them. It is impossible not to read between the lines of this verdict what the writer himself admits, in so many words, to be a sense of grievance. He permits himself to deal with Lowell as the latter himself has dealt with Petrarch, Rousseau, Chateaubriand, Percival, and Thoreau. From the point of view of strict justice, neither Lowell nor his critic can be quite vindicated; although each of these two writers is amply furnished both with knowledge and acuteness. Mr. Lowell had won in London that cordial reception and subsequent popularity in both literary and aristocratic circles which had, indeed, been accorded in some degree to other Americans before him. This truth is sufficiently established by a slight examination of the correspondence of Ticknor or Sumner
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Olde Cambridge, Index (search)
Sidney, Sir, Philip, 159. Smalley, G. A., 192. Smith, Sydney, 105. Smollett, Tobias, 95. Sparks, Pres., Jared, 14, 44, 128. Spenser, Edmund, 47, 154. Storer, Dr. D. H., 113. Story, Judge, Joseph, 16, 44. Story, W. W., 16, 26, 70, 154, 155. Stowe, Rev. C. E., 90, 113. Stowe, Mrs. H. B., 65, 66, go. Sumner, Charles, 104, 123, 132, 191. Swift, Dean, 95, 166. Swinburne, A. C., 132. Tennyson, Lord, 132, 195. Thaxter, Celia, 179. Thaxter, L. L., 174. Thayer, Nathaniel, 106. Thoreau, H. D., 34, 58, 67, 191. Ticknor, Prof., George, 14, 27, 117, 121, 122, 191. Tracy, John, 78. Trowbridge, J. T., 65. Tuckerman, H. T., 172. Tudor, William, 44. Tufts, Henry, 30. Underwood, F. H., 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 87. Vane, Harry, 19. Vassall family, 22, 79, 148. Vassall, Mrs., John, 151. Vassall, Col., Henry, 150. Vassall, Col., John, 150, 151. Vassall, Mrs., Penelope, 150, 151. Voltaire, F. M. A. de, 124. Walker, S. C., 113. Ware family, 15. Ware, Rev., Henry, 157. W
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Index. (search)
row, Miss Ann G., 36. Storrow, Samuel, 51, 52. Story, Joseph, 33. Story, William W., 240. Story, Mrs. William W., 238, 240, 241, 266, 275 ; narrative of, 241; letter from, 244; letter to, 268. Summer on the Lakes, 194. Sumner, Horace, 275. T. Tappan, Caroline (Sturgis), 87, 111, 154, 156, 199, 200, 211. Tasso, by Goethe, translated, 47, 63, 188. Taylor, Helen, 281. Tennyson, Alfred, 69, 220. The great Lawsuit (essay L, Dial ), 200. The Third thought, 285. Thoreau, H. D., 130, 134, 144, 154, 155, 164, 282. Thorndike, Mrs., 86. Ticknor, George, 33. Tieck, Louis, 45. Tocqueville, A. de, 126. Transcendental movement, the, 133, 314. Tribune, New York, papers in, 213. Trimmer, Mrs., 132. Tuckerman, J. F., 163. U. Uhland, J. L. 45. V. Vaughan, Mr., 149. Very, Jones, 144, 146. Visconti, Marchesa, 231. W. Ward, Anna (Barker), 36, 68. Ward, Samuel G., letter to, 66. Wayland, Francis, 90. Webster, Daniel, 86. Webster, Mr
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Cheerful Yesterdays, Index. (search)
60. Tadema, Alma, 289. Talandier, M., 304, 305, 306, 309, 300. Taney, R. B., 238. Tappan, S. F., 204, 215. Taylor, Bayard, 0108, 293. Taylor, Henry, 29. Taylor, Tom, 312. Tennyson, Alfred, 67, 272, 287, 291, 292, 294, 295, 296, 314. Thackeray, W. M., 187, 313. Thaxter, Celia, 67. Thaxter, L. L., 66, 67, 76, 94. Thaxter, Roland, 67. Thaxter family, the, 75. Thayer and Eldridge, 230. Therese, Madame, 320. Thomas, C. G., 91. Thompson, William, 198. Thoreau, Miss, 170. Thoreau, H. D., 25, 53, 78, 91, 92, 114, 169, 170, 181, 279, 360. Ticknor, George, 12, 15, 49, 189. Ticknor, W. D., 176. Ticknor & Fields, 183. Tidd, C. P., 228, 229. Todd, Francis, 127. Tolstoi, Count, Leo, 315. Torrey, H. W., 53 58 Tourgueneff (or Turgenev), I. S., 313, 314. Town and Country Club, the, 172. Transcendentalism, 69. Transcendentalists, the, 114. Trenck, Baron, 23. Trollope, Anthony, 287. Trowbridge, C. T., 262. Tubman, Harriet, 328. Tuckerman, Edward, 104. Tu
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, chapter 55 (search)
is to be remembered that we cannot get back to our old home by merely crossing the ocean for it; it has changed, even as our old homes in this country have changed, and perhaps more than they. The London of to-day is not even that of Dickens and Thackeray, much less that of Milton and Defoe; nor is the Paris of to-day that of Petrarch, which he described (in 1333) as the most dirty and ill-smelling town he had ever visited, Avignon alone excepted. Already we have to search laboriously for old things and old ways, as the traveller in Switzerland searches for the vanished costumes, such as the Swiss dolls wear. Already we have to go farther East for the old and the poetic; and find even Japan sending us back our own patterns a little Orientalized. The only unchanged past is in literature and in our fancy. It is in the books that most set us thinking-Emerson's Nature and Thoreau's Walden, for instance — that we really come back to our birthplace and re-enter the atmosphere of home
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, chapter 59 (search)
LIX. A return to the hills. Thoreau always maintained that summer passed into autumn at a certain definite and appreciable instant, as by the turning of a leaf. In like manner those who direct their course in early summer towards the hilly regions of New England are commonly made aware at some precise and definite moment that they have come within the atmosphere of the hills. It is usually after they have left the main railway track, and are switched off upon some little branch road, with stops so frequent that if, at any moment during a pause, you were to see conductor and brakemen in full chase after a woodchuck in a cow pasture, nobody would be astonished. But presently, as you glide slowly along, rejoicing in the more rural look of things, after the heat and hurry of the larger railway-stations, there comes one whiff of fresher air through the open window, and the change is made. You have returned to the hills. Or rather the hills have met you half-way; their great ben
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men, Index. (search)
Stael, Madame de, 57. Stone, Fanny, 56, 58. Stone, General C. P., 56. Stowe, H. B., 236. Studley, Cornelia, 287. Sngden, Sir, Edward, 138. Swedenborg, Emanuel, 159. swing of the social pendulum, the, 22. T. Taylor, Bayard, quoted, 6. Taylor's theorem, 287. Tennyson, Alfred. Lord, quoted, 76, 123, 249. Also 77, 136, 308. Terry, Ellen, 221. Thackeray, W. M., 55, 138, 173, 180,285. The bread-winners cited, 104. Thomas, E. M., 225. Thompson, Elizabeth, 261. Thoreau, H. D., 285. Tobogganing, 215. Toil, the daughters of, 70. Tourguenieff. J. S., 50, 309. toy of royalty, the, 105. Tracy, Senator, quoted, 98. Trench, Archdeacon, quoted, 14. Trollope, Anthony, 157. trust funds, 187. Tullia or Tulliola, 276. Twain, Mark, 37, 153. 218. U. Uncommonplace, A Plea for the, 192. unreasonable unselfishness, 80. Upton, G. P., 249, 251, 253. V. Vacation, the summer, 215. Vacations for saints, 33. value, who shall fix the
ants in the literary garden wither at the same moment that others are outgrowing their borders. There is one plant in our own garden, however, whose flourishing state will be denied by nobodynamely, that kind of nature-writing identified with Thoreau and practised by Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Starr King, John Burroughs, John Muir, Clarence King, Bradford Torrey, Theodore Roosevelt, William J. Long, Thompson-Seton, Stewart Edward White, and many others. Their books represent, Professor Cans qualities of their own, but typically they belong to the colonial literature of Great Britain. This can scarcely be said of the writings of Franklin and Jefferson, and it certainly cannot be said of the writings of Cooper, Hawthorne, Emerson, Thoreau, Whitman, Lowell, Lincoln, Mark Twain, and Mr. Howells. In the pages of these men and of hundreds of others less distinguished, there is a revelation of a new national type. That the full energies of this nation have been back of our books, gi
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