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Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register 314 0 Browse Search
Rev. James K. Ewer , Company 3, Third Mass. Cav., Roster of the Third Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment in the war for the Union 192 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2 108 12 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 68 16 Browse Search
Edward H. Savage, author of Police Recollections; Or Boston by Daylight and Gas-Light ., Boston events: a brief mention and the date of more than 5,000 events that transpired in Boston from 1630 to 1880, covering a period of 250 years, together with other occurrences of interest, arranged in alphabetical order 46 0 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2 42 0 Browse Search
Benjamin Cutter, William R. Cutter, History of the town of Arlington, Massachusetts, ormerly the second precinct in Cambridge, or District of Menotomy, afterward the town of West Cambridge. 1635-1879 with a genealogical register of the inhabitants of the precinct. 37 1 Browse Search
HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks) 36 0 Browse Search
William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 1 27 1 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4 24 0 Browse Search
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Sept. 12, 1861.] Here is a call to a war meeting held out-of-doors:-- to arms! To arms!! great war meeting in Roxbury. Another meeting of the citizens of Roxbury, to re-enforce their brothers in the field, will be held in Eliot squareRoxbury, to re-enforce their brothers in the field, will be held in Eliot square; Roxbury, this evening at eight O'Clock. Speeches from Paul Willard, Rev. J. O. Means, Judge Russell, And other eloquent advocates. The Brigade Band will be on hand early. Come one, come all God and your Country Call!! Per Order. [Boston JournRoxbury, this evening at eight O'Clock. Speeches from Paul Willard, Rev. J. O. Means, Judge Russell, And other eloquent advocates. The Brigade Band will be on hand early. Come one, come all God and your Country Call!! Per Order. [Boston Journal of July 30, 1862.] Here are two which look quite business-like:-- General Pope's Army. Lynch Law for Guerillas and No Rebel Property Guarded! is the motto of the Second Massachusetts regiment. $578.50 for 21 months service. $252.00 Sters, 113 Washington Street, Boston. [Boston Journal, Sept. 17, 1862.] War meetings similar to the one called in Roxbury were designed to stir lagging enthusiasm. Musicians and orators blew themselves red in the face with their windy effort
hich the arms, ammunition, and ordnance underwent in their better adaptation to the needs of the hour. The few muskets remaining in the hands of the government in 1861 were used to equip the troops who left first for the seat of war. Then manufacturing began on an immense scale. The government workshops could not produce a tithe of what were wanted, even though running night and day; and so private enterprise was called in to supplement the need. As one illustration, Grover & Baker of Roxbury turned their extensive sewing-machine workshop into a rifle-manufactory, which employed several hundred hands, and this was only one of a large number in that section. Alger, of South Boston, poured the immense molten masses of his cupolas into the moulds of cannon, and his massive steam-hammers pounded out and welded the ponderous shafts of gunboats and monitors. The descendants of Paul Revere diverted a part of their yellow metal from the mills which rolled it into sheathing for governm
a., 392 Polk, Leonidas, 404 Pontoons, 381-91 Poolesville, Md., 244,404 Pope, John, 37, 71 Poplar Grove, Va., 393 Port Gibson, Miss., 370 Prentiss, Benjamin M., 301 Preston, N. D., 139 Rations, 108-42,206,226,291,320 Readville, Mass., 44-45 Reams Station, Va., 208,325-27 Revere Copper Company, 270 Reynolds, Thomas, 307 Richmond, 57, 139, 198, 230, 286, 313,320,358,364,391 Rip Raps, Va., 156, 162 Robertson's Tavern, Va., 134, 307 Rome, Ga., 400 Roxbury, Mass., 37-38,270 Saint Augustine, Fl., 248 Saint Louis, Mo., 279 Savannah, Ga., 384 Sawtelle, Charles G., 355 Sayler's Creek, Va, 293 Schouler, William, 23 Scott, Winfield, 23,250,252 Seneca, Md., 404 Sheridan, Philip H., 139, 267,293, 372 Sherman, William T., 239-40,246, 263,286,353-54,362,364,366, 384,400,403-4,406 Shiloh, 301,405 Shirks, 101-5,167,175,312 Sibley, Henry, 46-47 Sick call, 172-76 Sickles, Daniel E., 157,406 Smith, Andrew J., 263 Smith,
on of the city, on the river and in the suburbs; in fact, New Orleans was completely under the control of military arms, within and around. It was one of those days that brought to memory the period of 1814. The streets, the house-tops, the windows, and balconies of every building were thronged with ladies, and at least thirty thousand persons witnessed a military pagent not equalled in this section of the South. The enthusiasm was immense, and beyond description.--(Doc. 115.) At Roxbury, Mass., a beautiful silk flag was presented, by the ladies of that city, to the volunteer company of Capt. Chamberlain. Hon. J. S. Sleeper presided, and the presentation address was made by Rev. Dr. George Putnam. The flag was placed in the hands of Capt. Chamberlain by a sweet little girl tastefully dressed in white, relieved by red and blue. Capt. Chamberlain knelt as he received the flag, and responded briefly in a voice choked with emotion. Capt. C.'s company stood before the platform in
ing officers: Colonel, John F. Hartranft; Lieut. Col., Edward Schall; Major, Edwin Schall; Adjutant, Chas. Hunsicker; Quartermaster, Yerkes; Surgeon, Dunlop; Assistant-Surgeons, Christ and Rogers; Captains, Bolton, Schall, Chamberlain, Dunn, Snyder, Allabaugh, Amey, Brooke, Cooke, and Taylor. The regiment numbers about 900, and comprises a fine body of hardy yeomanry and artisans, who left their fields and shops to rally in defence of the National Capital.--National Intelligencer, May 9. The steam frigate Minnesota, the flag-ship of the blockading squadron, sailed from Boston, Mass.--Boston Transcript, May 8. A meeting in aid of the volunteers from Roxbury, Mass., was held in that city. Speeches were made by Rev. J. E. Bartholomew, Edward Everett, and Alexander H. Rice.--(Doc. 145.) General Butler, at the Relay House, Md., promulgated special brigade orders concerning the several events that have occurred at the camp at that place since its formation.--(Doc. 146.)
meeting was held in Faneuil Hall, Boston, Mass., this evening, in behalf of Colonel Corcoran, confined at Richmond, Va. Mayor Wightman presided and made one of a number of speeches. Letters from several distinguished men were read, and strong resolutions were adopted.--N. Y. Tribune, February 6. The funeral of Adjutant George F. Hodges, of the Eighteenth regiment Massachusetts volunteers, who died of fever at Hall's Hill, Va., on the thirtieth of January, took place this afternoon at Roxbury, Mass.--Boston Traveller, February 5. The Fourteenth regiment, Maine volunteers, under command of Colonel Wickerson, arrived at Boston, Mass., to-night from Augusta, Me., and were quartered in Faneuil Hall. They were attached to General Butler's expedition.--N. Y. Times, February 6. Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, this day removed the prohibitions subsisting under her majesty's royal proclamations of the thirtieth day of November, and the fourth day of December, 1861, on the exporta
e National troops. A fight took place at Lebanon, Ky., between a small body of Union troops, under the command of Colonel Johnson, and a force of rebel cavalry under John Morgan, resulting in the defeat of the Unionists and the capture of the town by the rebels.--(Doc. 87.) Large and enthusiastic meetings, for the purpose of promoting enlistments into the army under the call of President Lincoln for three hundred thousand additional troops, were this day held at Boston, Cambridge, Roxbury, Brookline, Somerville, Malden, Springfield, and West-Cambridge, Mass., and at Portland, Maine. Speeches by distinguished and prominent citizens were made in each place. In several of the towns large sums of money were collected for the purpose of paying extra bounties to the volunteers. President Lincoln received the Senators and Representatives of the slaveholding Border States at the Presidential mansion, and addressed them on the subject of emancipation. General Smith, of th
July 29. Major-General Pope, accompanied by his staff, left Washington for the headquarters of his army in the field. Before his departure he ordered that passes to the lines of his forces should not be granted to others than those having official business there.--John Johnson, an alleged rebel officer from New Orleans, was arrested at Roxbury, Mass., and committed to prison.--The English brig Napier was captured by the United States steamer Mystic, while endeavoring to run the blockade of Wilmington, N. C. A skirmish took place at Mount Stirling, Ky., between a number of the citizens of that place and a force of about two hundred and forty rebel guerrillas, resulting in a complete rout of the latter, with a loss of about seventy-five of their number in killed, wounded, and prisoners.--(Doc. 164.) A fight occurred near Bollinger's Mills, Mo., between a force of Union troops, under the command of Captain Whybank, and a body of rebel guerrillas, under Major Tenley, resu
into measureless abasement at the footstool of the Slave Power. And nearly every current indication of public sentiment pointed to this as the probable result, provided the South should only evince a willingness to accept the prostration, and graciously forgive the suppliant. As trade fell off, and work in the cities and manufacturing villages was withered at the breath of the Southern sirocco, the heart of the North seemed to sink within her; and the Charter Elections at Boston, Lowell, Roxbury, Charlestown, Worcester, etc., in Massachusetts, and at Hudson, etc., in New York, which took place early in December, 1860, showed a striking and general reduction of Republican strength. What must and could be done to placate the deeply offended and almost hopelessly alienated South, was the current theme of conversation, and of newspaper discussion. Of the meetings held to this end, the most imposing may fairly be cited as a sample of the whole. The city of Philadelphia had given a
Rebellion Record: Introduction., Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore), Contents of Thie first volume. (search)
at. Intelligencer,188 135.Maryland Commissioners' Report,190 136.New Jersey Troops--List of Officers,191 137.Faulkner, Dayton, and Seward's Correspondence,192 138.President Lincoln's Letter to Marylanders,193 139.Tilghman and Prentiss' Interview,194 140. Confederate Declaration of War,195 141.Patriotic Fund Contributions,197 142.20th Regiment N. Y. S. M. (Ulster Co.),198 143.Reverdy Johnson's Speech at Frederick, Md.,199 144.Tennessee League,201 145.Edward Everett's Address at Roxbury, Mass.,205 146.Gen. Butler's Orders at Relay House,208 146 1/2.Motley's Letter on Causes of the War,209 147.Secession Military Act,219 147 1/2.A. H. Stephens' Union Speech at Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 14, 1860,219 148.The English Press on the Fall of Sumter,228 149.A Prayer for the Times, (Charleston News,)230 150.Vermont Volunteers--1st Regiment,231 151.President Lincoln's Proclamation Suspending Habeas Corpus in Florida,232 152.An English View of Civil War in America, London News,232
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