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Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, Historical Sketch of the old Middlesex canal. (search)
t plainly visible,—and on past the Royall House, where the canal passed under Main street and sent off a branch to the river, for the benefit of the ship-yards of Medford and Charlestown; and so on through the Mystic trotting park to the base of Winter hill, Somerville. From this point the canal followed the line of the high land erything, then came passage boats, luggage or merchandise boats, and lastly rafts. Landing and loading places were established at the millpond in Charlestown, in Medford, Woburn, Wilmington, Billerica, and Chelmsford. No goods were allowed to be unloaded or loaded at any other places without a special permit from the agent, this other buildings of interest still stand in historic Middlesex. The canal is now well defined through the country as one is traveling on the road to Lowell. At Medford the Woburn sewer runs along one portion of its bed, the Spot pond water pipes another. At Mystic lake the new boulevard has taken possession of the old bed. At
Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, Charlestown schools in the Eighteenth century. (search)
ize everything on the records relating to this subject, as they give us our first knowledge of the school in that part of the town which afterwards was set off to Medford, to Arlington, or became the town of Somerville. Unfortunately, our information for a time will have to be confined to the annual appropriations and the local cothe affairs of our section of Charlestown, no doubt much interesting material might be found. By consulting Wyman's valuable work and the Brooks-Usher history of Medford, we can determine readily to which section those on the various committees were devoted. Four or five districts must have been represented, which we may designatulting Wyman's valuable work and the Brooks-Usher history of Medford, we can determine readily to which section those on the various committees were devoted. Four or five districts must have been represented, which we may designate as the Milk Row, the Alewife Brook, the upper, or Gardner Row, and the one or more at Medford side.
Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, Committees appointed for the school outside the Neck, together with the annual appropriations. (search)
pps, £ 240. We close the list at this point, as by the next May the town of Medford had taken on a more definite form, and Charlestown, in consequence, suffered is it supposable that the young people of Milk Row, for instance, traveled to Medford, or those from Medford to Milk Row. The only way left was for the schoolmasteMedford to Milk Row. The only way left was for the schoolmaster to circulate about, to time his peregrinations so as to suit the convenience of his constituents. Still another way has been suggested, namely, that, after receivck. This was, doubtless, the son of Dr. Simon Tufts, the first physician of Medford. Cotton Tufts was born May 3, 1734, and graduated from Harvard College in 174the town, and, as is well known, dwelt in that section which afterwards became Medford. Her father, Isaac Royal, Sr., in 1732, purchased of the heirs of Governor Us first of that title among Americans. After 1753, when he became a citizen of Medford, his name, of course, drops from our records. It is not without a feeling of
e. The next house, that of Chester Adams, was afterward moved to the foot of Winter Hill. Mr. Adams drove down to the bank in Charlestown every morning. There was no regular public conveyance to the city, but a stage ran from Charlestown to Medford, sometimes on Medford Turnpike, and sometimes on Main street (Broadway), which would occasionally pick up a passenger on the highway. The next house was on the lower corner of Main and School streets, owned and occupied by Asa Tufts, a farmer, f Daniel Tufts, occupied afterwards by a family named Cutter. On the left-hand side coming from the top of Winter Hill was the Everett house, where Governor Everett resided for a while; this house is on the corner of Main street and the road to Medford. At the foot of the hill a rangeway led out from Main street to the left, across the Medford Turnpike, to the house of Colonel Jaques, who carried on a stock farm. Later than the time of which we are writing a house was built halfway down th
further grant of fifty acres of land near Wannottymies river, which is now Alewife brook, and in 1634 he was with Craddock granted the fish weir on the Mystic, at Medford, and again another grant of 1,000 acres or more on Concord river. Winthrop seems to have temporarily resided in Cambridge in 1632. He probably resided at Ten ar round. The original Ten Hills farm, as granted by the general court to Winthrop in 1631, comprised all the land south of Mystic river, from Broadway park to Medford centre, the southerly boundary of the farm being Broadway as far as the Powder House, and then by a line now obliterated to Medford centre. Ten Hills might witMedford centre. Ten Hills might with some reason be called a Gubernatorial Demense, being with occasional interruptions owned in families of governors or their associates, from its first grant, to the present time. Its first owner was Governor Winthrop, of Massachusetts; then his son, John Winthrop, Jr., governor of Connecticut; then Charles Lidgett, an associate o
Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, John S. Edgerly: and his home on Winter Hill (search)
ed to Roxbury March 4, 1776, and still later was first lieutenant in Colonel Samuel Bullard's regiment, that became part of the Northern army. Mr. and Mrs. Edgerly had three sons and five daughters: John Woods Edgerly, Annie E. W. Edgerly (now Mixer), Charles Brown Edgerly, Adine Franz Edgerly (afterwards Pratt), Helen Mar. Edgerly (now Despeaux), Edward Everett Edgerly, Madeline Lemalfa Edgerly, and Caroline Edgerly. The house is between the road to what is now Arlington and that to Medford. It was built in 1805 by Colonel John Sweetser, and was called The Odin House, and as I have heard that it was formerly a tavern, I presume it was at that time. At some time later it was occupied by Dr. Samuel Parkman. From 1826 to 1830 it was occupied by the Hon. Edward Everett, and in 1836 Mr. Edgerly took possession. He always liked things on a large scale, which doubtless accounts for his buying so large a place; and after a few years the house had to be enlarged. Mr. Edgerly, thou
Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, Thomas Brigham the Puritan—an original settler (search)
of Thomas Brigham the Puritan would amount to more than a billion of dollars now. This is a crowning example of the old genealogist's concern for posterity. The wife was appointed sole executrix of the will. She was assisted by the distinguished William Brattle, of Boston, and Deputy Governor Thomas Danforth accepted appointment as trustee, and left the trust to his own executor at his death. The final resting place of our common ancestor is not known. Morse thinks it must have been Medford, but there is much stronger reason for believing it to be in Cambridge, probably in what is known as the old cemetery. Time has buried a fact of priceless interest to the descendants of Thomas the Puritan, and the spot may never be marked. It were unfair to close this record without a word of the partner of the joys and sorrows of our Thomas. In 1637 he married Mercy Hurd, a comely woman somewhat his junior, of whom tradition has brought down a high character. It is declared that she
Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, Charlestown schools within the peninsula Revolutionary period (search)
ing place. As for the school fund during all the years which we have been considering, it seems well to close with the following extracts:— July 27, 1762. Agreed that Peter Tufts, Jr., improve the school lot belonging to this town now in his possession, for the same rent as before, viz., £ 3 4s., 1. m., per annum for six years. February 6, 1769. Voted that the school lot be set up at vendue. February 27 it was leased out to the highest bidder, who proved to be Daniel Cutter, of Medford, for five years, at £ 7 17s. 4d. per annum. February 14, 1774. Mr. Peter Tufts, Jr., hires the town farm at Stoneham for seven years. March 7, 1783. Jack Symmes is allowed to have the school lot one year for £ 5 6s. 8d. Voted, March 1, 1784, to send letters to Joseph and Nathan Adams, who now improve the town farms, that they will be let next Monday at 3 P. M. at Mr. Whittemore's. Finally, agreed with Silas Symons to improve the town farm at Stoneham, lately improved by Captain Ad
Historic leaves, volume 3, April, 1904 - January, 1905, Gregory Stone and some of his descendants (search)
te stones in ye Old Burying Ground, his is the eleventh, or the second from the further end; and that of his wife, who died three years later, has been placed beside it. This couple lived together sixty-four years. The schools of Charlestown beyond the Neck—Revolutionary period Frank Mortimer Hawes (Continued.) Our account of the school beyond Charlestown Neck has been brought down to 1754. The object of this paper will be to continue its history to 1793. After the bounds of Medford were definitely established, there were left three school districts, which we, not the records, have chosen to call the Milk Row, the Alewife Brook, and the Gardner Row. The first of these embraced nearly the whole of what is now Somerville; the second may be said to have extended from the Old Powder House well up into Arlington; the third lay wholly in that town and along by the Mystic ponds. As we have indicated, the town books afford very meagre information, and we are forced to conten
gham, Mass., 34, 44. Historic Genealogical Register, New England, 80. Historic Heights and Points, 60. History of Medford, Brooks-Usher, 15. Hittenger, —, 40, 65. Holbrook, Samuel, 68. Hooker, —, 74. Hopkins Classical School, 70. Horn The Ship, 32. Magoun, —, 40. Main Street (Broadway), Somerville, 22. Main Street, Charlestown, 3. Main Street, Medford, 3. Malden, Mass., 12, 58, 66. Mallet, Isaac, 66, 67. Manet, Thomas, 76. Maple Meadow Brook, 2. Marlboro, Mass., sachusetts Historical Society, 63. Massachusetts Medical Association, 18. Mather, Cotton, 30, 35. McGill, Robert, 7. Medford, 3, 7, 10, 15, 16, 31, 38, 55, 69, 87. Medford Side District, 15. Medford-street School, 70. Menotime Bridge, 75. Mystick Bridge, 19. Mystic Lake, 11. Mystic Pond, 36, 87. Mystic River, 3, 6, 30, 31. Mystic Trotting Park, 3. Mystic Valley Railroad, 11. Nahumkeck (Salem), 29. Nashua & Lowell Railroad, 9. Natascot, 32. Nathan Tufts Park, 20.<