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James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 1: the Scotch-Irish of New Hampshire. (search)
ed of the same, as far as it will go; provided he produces a gun of his own, in good order, and is willing to go against the enemy, and promises not to waste any of the powder, only in self-defense; and provided, also, that he show twenty good bullets to suit his gun, and six good flints. In 1777 the town gave a bounty of thirty pounds for every man who enlisted for three years. All the records and traditions of the revolutionary period breathe unity and determination. Stark, the hero of Bennington, was a Londonderrian. Such were the Scotch-Irish of New Hampshire; of such material were the maternal ancestors of Horace Greeley composed; and from his maternal ancestors he derived much that distinguishes him from men in general. In the New Yorker for August 28, 1841, he alluded to his Scotch-Irish origin in a characteristic way. Noticing Charlotte Elizabeth's Siege of Derry, he wrote: We do not like this work, and we choose to say so frankly. What is the use of reviving and ag
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 2: Ancestors.—parentage.—birth. (search)
generations lived more than three score years and ten. Few of the name have been rich, but most have been persons of substance and respectability, acquiring their property, generally, by the cultivation of the soil, and a soil, too, which does not yield its favors to the sluggard. It is the boast of those members of the family who have attended to its genealogy, that no Greeley was ever a prisoner, a pauper, or, worse than either, a tory! Two of Horace Greeley's great uncles perished at Bennington, and he was fully justified in his assertion, made in the heat of the Roman controversy a few years ago, that he was born of republican parentage, of an ancestry which participated vividly in the hopes and fears, the convictions and efforts of the American Revolution. And he added: We cannot disavow nor prove recreant to the principles on which that Revolution was justified—on which only it can be justified. If adherence to these principles makes us the unmitigated enemy of Pius IX., w