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Euripides, Electra (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 4 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 1 1 Browse Search
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Euripides, Electra (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 747 (search)
rd. Leader Yes, the sound is coming a long way, but it is clear. Electra The groan was of an Argive; was it from my friends? Leader I don't know; for the whole tune of the shout is confused. Electra You are calling out to me my death; why do I delay? Leader Hold back, to learn your fortune clearly. Electra No, no; we are vanquished; where are the messengers? Leader They will come; it is no trivial matter to kill a king. A Messenger enters in haste Messenger O victorious maidens of Mycenae, I report to all his friends that Orestes has conquered, and Aegisthus, the murderer of Agamemnon, lies on the ground; but we must offer prayers to the gods. Electra Who are you? How trustworthy is your announcement? Messenger Don't you know your brother's servant when you look at me? Electra O best of friends! I could not recognize your face out of fear; but now I know you well. What are you saying? Is my father's hated murderer dead? Messenger He is dead; I am telling you twice what
Euripides, Electra (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 774 (search)
Messenger After we had left this house, we stepped onto the broad highway and went to the place where the famous King of Mycenae was. He turned out to be walking in a well-watered garden, plucking a wreath of tender myrtle-sprays for his head; when he saw us, he called out, “Welcome, strangers! Who are you and from where do you come? from what country?” Orestes said, “We are Thessalians, going to the Alpheus river to sacrifice to Olympian Zeus.” When Aegisthus heard that, he said, “You must be my guests for the feast with us now, for I happen to be sacrificing an ox to the Nymphs; and if you get out of bed at dawn, it will make no difference to you. But let us go within—while he was addressing us, he took us by the hand and led us off the road—you must not refuse.” [And when we were in the house, he gave the command:] “Let someone bring water immediately for my guests, so that they may stand around the altar near the basin.” But Orestes said: “Just now we purified
ps, and the whole was grouted with fluid mortar. This tomb is of the time of Amunoph I., 1540 B. C. The stone arch at Saccara is of the time of Psammeticus II., 600 B. C. The arches of the tombs of Beni Hassan are coeval with Osirtasen II. and the Viceroy Joseph. Arches are found in Chinese bridges of great antiquity and magnitude; and as before shown, those of Egypt far antedate the periods of Greece or Rome. Arched vaults are found among the ruins of Nineveh. A building at Mycenae, in Greece, called Treasury of Atreus, has an interior pointed dome of 48 feet diameter, and of about the same hight, the section presenting two intersecting arcs of about 70 feet radius. The difficulty of working voussoirs has been evaded by making the beds horizontal throughout, the top being formed of a flat stone. The soffit of each course was then cut to the required angle with its bed by means of a templet cut to the radius of the vault (Fig. 300). Arch. This form of arch is sometim