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Browsing named entities in Plato, Letters. You can also browse the collection for Aegina (Greece) or search for Aegina (Greece) in all documents.

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Plato, Letters, Letter 4 (search)
y this, seeing that you yourself also know it quite well; but I notice how even in the theaters the players are spurred on by the plaudits of the children—not to speak of their own friends—whenever a player believes them to be genuine and well-meaning in their encouragement.Cf. Isoc. Evag. 32.3. So do you also play your parts now; and if you have need of anything send us word.Affairs with us are in much the same state as when you were here. Send us word also about what you have already done or happen to be doing now, since we know nothing although we hear many reports.Even at this moment letters have come to Lacedaemon and Aegina from Theodotes and Heracleides; but we, as I said, know nothing, although we hear many reports from the people here. And, Dion, do you also bear in mind that you are thought by some to be unduly wanting in affability; so do not forget that successful action depends on pleasing people, whereas arrogance is next neighbor to isolation.Good-luck attend t