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Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli 46 0 Browse Search
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing) 44 0 Browse Search
John Conington, Commentary on Vergil's Aeneid, Volume 2 2 0 Browse Search
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, The Lives of the Caesars (ed. Alexander Thomson) 2 0 Browse Search
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1860., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: January 31, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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John Conington, Commentary on Vergil's Aeneid, Volume 2, P. VERGILI MARONIS, line 712 (search)
Nomentum, already mentioned 6. 773, where it is among the places afterwards to be built and named by Aeneas' posterity. It is disputed whether it was a Latin or Sabine town. The passage in Book 6 favours the former view, making it a colony from Alba. Rosea: the country in the valley of the river Velinus, about Reate, was called Rosei (or Roseae) Campi (according to Serv. ager Rosulanus): see Dict. G. Reate. For a story about its fertility see on G. 2. 201, 202. Pal. and Gud. have Roscia, and some inferior copies roscida: comp. Pliny 3. 12 (17), (Sabini) Velinos accolunt lacus, roscidis collibus.
C. Suetonius Tranquillus, Divus Vespasianus (ed. Alexander Thomson), chapter 1 (search)
tled state, by the rebellion and violent death of its three last rulers, was at length restored to peace and security by the Flavian family, whose descent was indeed obscure, and which boasted no ancestral honours; but the public had no cause to regret its elevation; though it is acknowledged that Domitian met with the just reward of his avarice and cruelty. Titus Flavius Petro, a townsman of Reate,Reate, the original seat of the Flavian family, was a city of the Sabines. Its present name is Rieti. whether a centurion or an evocatusIt does not very clearly appear what rank in the Roman armies was held by the evocati. They are mentioned on three occasions by Suetonius, without affording us much assistance. Caesar, like our author, joins them with the centurions. See, in particular, De Bell. Civil. I. xvii. 4. of Pompey's party in the civil war, is uncertain, fled out of the battle of Pharsalia and went home; where, having at last obtained his pardon and discharge, he became a collect
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 15: marriage and motherhood. (1847-1850.) (search)
enewed that night, and at dawn of day she returned to her apartment, with her husband by her side. On the same day the French army entered Rome, and, the gates being opened, Madame Ossoli, accompanied by the Marquis, immediately proceeded to Rieti, a village lying at the base of the Abruzzi Mountains, where she had left her child in the charge of a confidential nurse, formerly in the service of the Ossoli family. She remained, as you are no doubt aware, some months at Rieti, whence she reRieti, whence she removed to Florence, where she resided until her ill-fated departure for the United States. During this period I received several letters from her, all of which, though reluctant to part with them, I inclose to your address, in compliance with your request. I am, Madam, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Lewis Cass, Jr. Fuller Mss. i. 669. Published also with Women in the Nineteenth Century, when reprinted in 1869. The circumstances under which Margaret Fuller and her husband fir
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 16: letters between husband and wife. (search)
ut I cannot yet decide. From Madame Ossoli. Rieti, 18th August, 1848. I feel, love, a profounetter herself:-- Dictated by Madame Ossoli. Rieti, Thursday, 7th September, 1848. Dear Husbaniss Edith Fuller, the niece of Madame Ossoli. Rieti, 7 Settembre, 1848. Caro Consorte,--Io stou, love; always your M. From Madame Ossoli. Rieti, Saturday, 23d September, 1848]. Mio Caro,-moments more. Thy M. From Madame Ossoli. Rieti, 7th October, 1848. Mio Caro,--I have receiyour G. A. Ossoli. From Madame Ossoli. Rieti, 15th October, 1848. Think always in seekins. From Madame Ossoli, after being in Rome. Rieti, 22d December, 1848. My love,--I made the j I come. Always thy M. From Madame Ossoli. Rieti, 27th March, 1849. Mio Caro,--I found our t as in the first days. From Madame Ossoli. Rieti, 30th March, 1849. Yesterday the family wer I must hope. I have received the letter from Rieti; our Nino is perfectly well, thanks for this. [4 more...]
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 17: closing scenes. (search)
compelled, in order to disarm suspicion and to earn money, to be alternately at Rieti and in Rome. Finally she was unable to leave Rome, because of the siege; and after returning to Rieti, she wrote this letter to Mr. Cass, in which she has made an evident effort to describe what is around her, and not to dwell on her own great anxieties. Rieti, 19th July, 1849. Dear Mr. Cass,--I seem to have arrived in a different world, since passing the mountains. This little red-brown nest, which the water-vase on their heads (N. B. no husband does this). All the dandies of Rieti in all kinds of queer uniforms are congregated below; at the barber's, the druganning themselves whether the weather be hot or cold, on foot, for the Corso of Rieti is nominal. At present the scene is varied by presence of the Spanish force, we the rest, if they are made of none effect. After I wrote to you I went to Rieti. The weather was mild when I set out, but by the fatality that has attended m
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Index. (search)
published, 187; Western journey, 193; removal to New York, 205; investigations of poverty and crime, 206, 211; religious feeling, 206; criticisms on Longfellow, 138, 204, 218, 293: on Lowell, 217, 296; departure for Europe, 220 ; her European notebook, 220; stay in London, 229; arrival in Rome, 230; the Italian revolution, 231; marriage and motherhood, 231, 253 : early feeling about them, 232; early attachment, 233; service in hospitals, 236; first meeting with Marquis Ossoli, 239; life at Rieti, 238, 250, 266; removal to Florence, 241, 245; correspondence with husband, 248, 279; description of child, 268, 270, 271; her book on Roman republic, 272, 282; voyage to America, 272 : forebodings, 273; shipwreck, 276; literary traits, 281; not a disciple of any one, 284; examples of her power of statement, 289; personal traits, 299; phrenological examination, 299; her life on the whole successful, 314. P. Palmer, Edward, 175. Papers on Literature and Art, 203. Park, Dr., 2
James Parton, Horace Greeley, T. W. Higginson, J. S. C. Abbott, E. M. Hoppin, William Winter, Theodore Tilton, Fanny Fern, Grace Greenwood, Mrs. E. C. Stanton, Women of the age; being natives of the lives and deeds of the most prominent women of the present gentlemen, Margaret Fuller Ossoli. (search)
ded on opposite beds, meet in commendation of her universal kindness. She was married in Italy, during the year 1847, to Giovanni Angelo, Marquis Ossoli,--a man younger than herself, and of less intellectual culture, but of simple and noble nature. He had given up rank and station in the cause of the Roman Republic, while all the rest of his family had espoused the other side; and it was this bond of sympathy which first united them. Their child, Angelo Philip Eugene Ossoli, was born at Rieti, September 5th, 1848. After the fall of the republic it was necessary for them to leave Rome, and this fact, joined with her desire to print in America her history of the Italian struggle, formed the main reasons for their return to this country. They sailed from Leghorn, May 17th, 1850, in the barque Elizabeth, Captain Hasty. Singular anticipations of danger seem to have hung over their departure. Beware of the sea had been a warning given Ossoli by a fortune-teller, in his youth, and
Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing), chapter 11 (search)
to allow me to do something. to R. F. F ——. Rieti, July 1, 1848. Italy is as beautiful as eve this dear land, again enslaved. to W. H. C. Rieti, Aug. 28, 1849. You say, you are glad I hav when he first looked forward into the world. Rieti,— not only an old classic town of Italy, but o the richest in Italy, and full of vineyards. Rieti is near the foot of the hills on one side, ande children were frolicking in the grass. In Rieti, the ancient Umbrians were married thus. In pd woman faithful to her charge. Aquila and Rieti. Extracts from Margaret's and Ossoli's lett and broken life. In March, she flies back to Rieti, and finds our treasure in the best of health, This was when Margaret found Nino so ill at Rieti I will not give her the pain of knowing that t over others. Her maid,—an impetuous girl of Rieti, a town which rivals Tivoli as a hot-bed of ho chief supports of Madame Ossoli's landlord at Rieti. They were both married,—the younger one to a[12 mor
p on the arrival of Victor Emanuel. The head of General Cialdini's columns encountered and beat a corps of Neapolitans at Isernia. The General commanding the corps, with his officers and 800 soldiers and flag, were taken. Another dispatch says that Cialdini's captured a portion of the Neapolitan artillery. Victor Emanuel arrived at Salonia on the 21st of October. It was reported that provisions were beginning to fail at Greta. The Piedmontese troops were encamped at Rieti, ten leagues from Rome. The text of the Prussian dispatch relative to the invasion of the Papal States is published. It censures the action of Sardinia and rejects. Cavour's justification, but does not threaten any active hostility on the part of Prussia. The Austrian official, Weiner Zeitung, publishes a reform manifesto from the Emperor. Many sweeping changes in the constitution are proposed. Legislative power is only to be exercised henceforth with the co-operation of the Pr
he proposals of France in reference to the armistice. Prince Carignan, the new Lieutenant of the King, had arrived at Naples. He was saluted on his arrival by the English fleet, and was enthusiastically received by the people. Farini had been appointed Secretary to the private Cabinet of the King. It is reported that, in the event of war between Piedmont and Austria, a French army will occupy Lombardy without declaring war against Austria. The new Councillors of Lieutenancy had been well received in Sicily, and tranquility was re-established in the island. The Pope had dispatched provisions to Gaeta. The reported revision of the concordat with Austria has been denied. Major Merode remains in office. The Sardinians have passed through the province of Rieti on their march against the insurgents. in the Abruzzi. It was asserted at Venice that Francis II, had written to the Emperor of Austria, announcing his firm resolve to defend Gaeta to the utmost.