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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 20 (search)
. He assumed command of huge forces, both land and naval, and sailed forth from Carthage with an army of not less than three hundred thousand men and a fleet of over two hundred ships of war, not to mention many cargo ships for carrying supplies, numbering more than three thousand. Now as he was crossing the Libyan sea he encountered a storm and lost the vessels which were carrying the horses and chariots. And when he came to port in Sicily in the harbour of PanormusPalermo. he remarked that he had finished the war; for he had been afraid that the sea would rescue the Siceliotes from the perils of the conflict. He took three days to rest his soldiers and to repair the damage which the storm had inflicted on his ships, and then advanced together with his host against Himera, the fleet skirting the coast with him. And when he had arrived near the city we have just mentioned, he pitched two camps, the one for the army and the other for the nav
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 63 (search)
war against that part of Sicily held by the Carthaginians. He also received many others into the place and thus gathered a force of six thousand picked warriors. Making Selinus his base he first laid waste the territory of the inhabitants of MotyeCp. chap. 54.5. and defeating in battle those who came out from the city against him he slew many and pursued the rest within the wall of the city. After this he ravaged the territory of the people of PanormusModern Palermo. and acquired countless booty, and when the inhabitants offered battle en masse before the city he slew about five hundred of them and shut up the rest within their walls. And since he also laid waste in like fashion all the rest of the territory in the hands of the Carthaginians, he won the commendation of the Sicilian Greeks. And at once the majority of the Syracusans also repented of their treatment of him, realizing that Hermocrates had been banished contra
Isaeus, Cleonymus, section 31 (search)
On the causes of the quarrel between my opponents and Cleonymus it is unnecessary for me to dwell; but I will mention some striking proofs of its existence, of which I shall be able also to produce witnesses. Firstly, when he was sacrificing to Dionysus, he invited all his relatives and many other citizens besides, but he offered no place to Pherenicus. Again, when, shortly before his death, he was journeying to PanormusA harbor on the south-east coast of Attica between Thoricus and Sunium. with Simon and met Pherenicus, he could not bring himself to speak to him.
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The Confederate cruisers. (search)
f the neutrality laws, he lost no time in closing a contract with the firm of Fawcett & Preston, engine builders, of Liverpool, for a screw gun-vessel. The steamer was named the Oreto, and it was announced that she was being built for a firm at Palermo; presumably for the Italian Government. She was a duplicate of the gun-vessels of the English navy. The construction of the vessel proceeded without interruption during the fall and winter of 1861-62. The American Minister, Mr. Charles Francis Adams, twice called the attention of the Foreign Office to her suspected character, and pro forma inquiries were set on foot, but they failed to show evidence of her real destination. The Oreto therefore cleared without difficulty for Palermo and Jamaica, a Liverpool merchant, representing the Palermo firm, having sworn that he was the owner, and an English captain having been appointed to the command. On the 22d of March the vessel sailed from Liverpool. At the same time the steamer Baham
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 21: slavery and Emancipation.--affairs in the Southwest. (search)
through blockade-runners, the conspirators determined to procure from those friends some powerful piratical craft, and made arrangements for the purchase and construction of vessels for that purpose. Mr. Laird, a ship-builder at Liverpool and member of the British Parliament, was the largest contractor in the business, and, in defiance of every obstacle, succeeded in getting pirate ships to sea. The first of these ships that went to sea was the Oreto, ostensibly built for a house in Palermo, Sicily. Mr. Adams, the American minister in London, was so well satisfied from information received that she was designed for the Confederates, that he called the attention of the British Government to the matter so early as the 18th of February, 1862. But nothing effective was done, and she was completed and allowed to depart from British waters. She went first to Nassau, and on the 4th of September suddenly appeared off Mobile harbor, flying the British flag and pennants. The blockading s
Baron de Jomini, Summary of the Art of War, or a New Analytical Compend of the Principle Combinations of Strategy, of Grand Tactics and of Military Policy. (ed. Major O. F. Winship , Assistant Adjutant General , U. S. A., Lieut. E. E. McLean , 1st Infantry, U. S. A.), Sketch of the principal maritime expeditions. (search)
hat is more difficult to believe, is that at the same instant, and by a concerted effort, five thousand other vessels should have debarked three hundred thousand Carthagenians in Sicily, where they should have been destroyed by Gelon the same day on which Themistocles destroyed the fleet of Xerxes at Salamis. Three other expeditions, under Hannibal, Himilco, and Hamilcar, were to carry there at one time one hundred thousand men, and at another one hundred and fifty thousand; Agrigentum and Palermo were taken, Lilybaeum founded, Syracuse twice vainly besieged. The third time Androcles, escaped with fifteen thousand men, descended upon Africa and made Carthage, even, tremble! This struggle lasted a century and a half. Alexander the Great crossed the Hellespont with only fifty thousand men, and his military marine being but one hundred and sixty sail, whilst that that of the Persians numbered four hundred vessels of war, he sent it to Greece in order not to expose it. Alexander'
f after the tool has been applied. Gold-var′nish. (Metallurgy.) A yellow, transparent varnish spread over silver-leaf to give it the appearance of gold. The invention seems to have originated about 1680 with Antonino Cento, an artist of Palermo. It was introduced into England by Evelyn, 1680. The varnish is made of gum lac digested in spirits of wine. Gold-wash′ers. Pliny speaks of the method of gathering gold by means of an artificial river and sluices, the water being broughte history of the industrial arts. War quickened the extension of printing. In 1482 the storming of Mentz dispersed the workmen, and gave the art of printing to the world. In 1146 Roger of Sicily plundered Greece, and took home with him to Palermo silk-worms, workmen, and the art of weaving silk. From Sicily it spread to France, Italy, and Spain, and from Italy to England. Other instances might be cited where the irruptions of tribes or nations, or internecine disturbances, have disse<
rked, and with a projecting peg at the center. When used, its edge is turned toward the sun, so that the shadow of the peg falls upon the graduated periphery, and the distances of the point where it meets the latter from the horizontal an lowest points of the wheel respectively are the required altitude and zenith distance of the sun. Among celebrated instruments may be mentioned the mural circle made by Graham, for Halley, at Greenwich, and those made by Ramsden in 1788, for Piazzi, at Palermo, and one for Dublin. See graduating-instruments. The mural circle is so called because it is supported by means of a long axis passing into a wall. The mural circle of the National Observatory in Washington was made by Mr. William Simms of London. It is 5 feet in diameter, made of brass, and cast in a single piece. It is divided into spaces of 5′ each, upon a band of gold-inlaid on the rim and perpendicular to the plane of the circle. Placed at equal distances round the circle ar
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Chapter 15: marriage and motherhood. (1847-1850.) (search)
nted me from giving it an earlier reply. In compliance with your request, I have the honor to state, succinctly, the circumstances connected with my acquaintance with the late Madame Ossoli, your deceased sister, during her residence in Rome. In the month of April, 1849, Rome, as you are no doubt aware, was placed in a state of siege by the approach of the French army. It was filled at that time with exiles and fugitives who had been contending for years, from Milan, in the North, to Palermo, in the South, for the Republican cause: and when the gates were closed, it was computed that there were, of Italians alone, thirteen thousand refugees within the walls of the city, all of whom had been expelled from adjacent states, till Rome became their last rallying-point, and to many their final resting-place. Among these was to be seen every variety of age, sentiment, and condition,striplings and blanched heads; wild, visionary enthusiasts; grave, heroic men, who, in the struggle fo
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 1, Colonial and Revolutionary Literature: Early National Literature: Part I (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.), Chapter 4: Irving (search)
a, from which point he went by stage-coach through some of the picturesque regions in Italy. It was on these trips that he secured his first impressions of the Italian hill country and of the life of the country folk, impressions that were utilized later in the Tales of a traveller. During these journeys he took notes, wrote them out in a full journal, portions of which are shortly to be published, and utilized his material in elaborate letters to his relations. From Naples, crossing to Palermo, he went by stage to Messina, and he was there in 1805 when the vessels of Nelson passed through the straits in their search for the combined French and Spanish fleet under Villeneuve, a search which culminated in the great victory at Trafalgar. Journeying in Europe during those years of war and of national upheaval was a dangerous matter. Irving was stopped more than once, and on one occasion was arrested at some place in France on the charge of being an English spy. He seems to have b
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