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Polybius, Histories 64 0 Browse Search
C. Julius Caesar, Commentaries on the Civil War (ed. William Duncan) 16 0 Browse Search
M. Annaeus Lucanus, Pharsalia (ed. Sir Edward Ridley) 12 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 10 0 Browse Search
Sextus Propertius, Elegies (ed. Vincent Katz) 6 0 Browse Search
Epictetus, Works (ed. George Long) 6 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams) 4 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 4 0 Browse Search
Lycurgus, Speeches 4 0 Browse Search
Hyperides, Speeches 4 0 Browse Search
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Apollodorus, Library (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book 3 (search)
at Delphi in the sanctuary of Forethought Athena as late as the Sacred War in the fourth century B.C., when it was carried off, with much more of the sacred treasures, by the unscrupulous Phocian leader, Phayllus. See Parthenius, Narrat. 25 (who quotes Phylarchus as his authority); Athenaeus vi.22, p. 232 DE (who quotes the thirtieth book of the history of Ephorus as his authority). according to the injunction of Achelous. Then they journeyed to Epirus, collected settlers, and colonized Acarnania.Compare Thuc. 2.102.9; Paus. 8.24.9, who similarly derive the name of Acarnania from Acarnan, son of Alcmaeon. Pausanias says that formerly the people were called Curetes. But Euripides saysThe reference is no doubt to one of the two lost tragedies which Euripides composed under the title Alcmaeon. See TGF (Nauck 2nd ed.), pp. 479ff. that in the time of his madness Alcmaeon begat two children, Amp
Apollodorus, Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book E (search)
wherever he should find a house with foundations of iron, walls of wood, and roof of wool, he marched inland till he came to the lake Pambotis in Epirus, where he fell in with some people camping under blankets supported by spears, of which the blades were stuck into the earth. Compare Scholiast onlieved to be what is now called the lake of Joannina, near which Dodona was situated. Paus. 1.11.1 mentions that Pyrrhus (Neoptolemus) settled in Epirus “in compliance with the oracles of Helenus,” and that he had Molossus, Pielus, and Pergamus by Andromache. and having vanquished the Moloss Aristot. Peplos 33(4), in Bergk's Poetae Lyrici Graeci, ii.654. but his people were cast away in the Ionian gulf and inhabited Apollonia in Epirus. And the people of Tlepolemus touched at Crete; then they were driven out of their course by winds and settled in the Iberian islands. ...The
Apollodorus, Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer), book E (search)
rs,See Hom. Od. 22.417-477. and he made himself known to his wife and his father.See Hom. Od. 22.153-297; Hom. Od. 24.205-348. And after sacrificing to Hades, and Persephone, and Tiresias, he journeyed on foot through Epirus, and came to the Thesprotians, and having offered sacrifice according to the directions of the soothsayer Tiresias, he propitiated Poseidon.Tiresias had warned Ulysses that, after slaying the suitors, he must journey inland no support in Homer. for they allege that she was seduced by him. And there are some who say that Ulysses, being accused by the kinsfolk of the slain, submitted the case to the judgment of Neoptolemus, king of the islands off Epirus; that Neoptolemus, thinking to get possession of Cephallenia if once Ulysses were put out of the way, condemned him to exile;Compare Plut. Quaest. Graec. 14. According to Plutarch's account, the kinsmen of the slain suitors rose in
Demosthenes, On the Halonnesus, section 32 (search)
But Philip, although, as you have heard from his letter, he admits the justice of this amendment and consents to accept it, has robbed the Pheraeans of their city, placing a garrison in their citadel, in order, I suppose, to ensure their independence; he is even now engaged in an expedition against Ambracia, and as for the three Elean colonies in CassopiaA district of Epirus, just north of the Ambracian Gulf.—Pandosia, Bucheta, and Elatea—he has wasted their land with fire, stormed their cities, and handed them over to be the slaves of his own kinsman, Alexander. How zealous he is for the freedom and independence of the Greeks, you may judge from his ac
Hyperides, In Defence of Euxenippus, section 19 (search)
Yes, you say; for he committed a serious crime in regard to the cup which he allowed Olympias to dedicate to the statue of Health.Olympias, mother of Alexander the Great, was sent by him about 331 B.C. to Epirus, where her brother Alexander was king. On the death of the latter she became regent for the young prince Neoptolemus and so controlled Molossia, which had been attached to the kingdom by Philip in 343 B.C. The statue of Health stood on the Acropolis. (See Paus. 1.23.5.) It is not known how Euxenippus was connected with this affair. You think that if you bring her name irrelevantly into the case to serve your own ends and accuse Euxenippus of deceitful flattery, you will bring down the jury's hatred and anger upon him. The thing to do, my friend, is not to use the name of Olympias and Alexander in the hope of harming some citiz
Hyperides, In Defence of Euxenippus, section 24 (search)
Olympias has made complaints against you about the incident at Dodona,Dodona in Epirus was, second to Delphi, the most famous oracle of Greece. Dione, a consort of Zeus, was often worshipped in his temples. complaints which are unfair, as I have twice already proved in the Assembly before yourselves and the rest of Athens. I explained to her envoys that the charges she brings against the city are not justified. For Zeus of Dodona commanded you through the oracle to embellish the statue of Dione.
Lycurgus, Against Leocrates, section 26 (search)
all in his power to cause even your divine protection to be exported. Moreover, to have wronged the city on this enormous scale was not enough for him. Living at Megara and using as capital the money which he had withdrawn from Athens he shipped corn, bought from Cleopatra,Cleopatra, the sister of Alexander the Great, was married to Alexander of Epirus in 336 and must now have been acting as regent for her husband while he was at war in Italy. from Epirus to Leucas and from there to Corinth. all in his power to cause even your divine protection to be exported. Moreover, to have wronged the city on this enormous scale was not enough for him. Living at Megara and using as capital the money which he had withdrawn from Athens he shipped corn, bought from Cleopatra,Cleopatra, the sister of Alexander the Great, was married to Alexander of Epirus in 336 and must now have been acting as regent for her husband while he was at war in Italy. from Epirus to Leucas and from there to Corinth.
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Messenia, chapter 35 (search)
onians gave them Mothone, and that no change was made regarding them on the part of the Messenians when they returned. The Nauplians in my view were Egyptians originally, who came by sea with Danaus to the Argolid, and two generations later were settled in Nauplia by Nauplius the son of Amymone. The Emperor Trajan granted civic freedom and autonomy to the people of Mothone. In earlier days they were the only people of Messenia on the coast to suffer a disaster like the following: Thesprotian Epirus was ruined by anarchy. For Deidameia the daughter of Pyrrhus, being without children, handed over the government to the people when she was on the point of death. She was the daughter of Pyrrhus, son of Ptolemy, son of Alexander, son of Pyrrhus. I have told the facts relating to Pyrrhus the son of Aeacides in my account of the Athenians.Paus. 1.1.11-13 Procles the CarthaginianSee Paus. 2.21.6 indeed rated Alexander the son of Philip higher on account of his good fortune and for the brillianc
Pindar, Nemean (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien), Nemean 4 For Timasarchus of Aegina Boys' Wrestling ?473 B. C. (search)
ds in the darkness over an empty thought that falls to the ground. As for me, I know that whatever excellence ruling destiny gave me, time will creep forward and bring it to its appointed perfection. Weave out, sweet lyre, right now,the beloved song with Lydian harmony, for Oenone and Cyprus, where Teucer the son of Telamon reigns far from home; but Aias holds ancestral Salamis, and Achilles holds the shining island in the Euxine sea.Thetis rules in Phthia, and Neoptolemus in the expanses of Epirus, where jutting ox-pasturing headlands, beginning in Dodona, slope down to the Ionian sea. But beside the foot of Pelion,Peleus turned a warlike hand against Iolcus and gave it in subjection to the HaemonesFollowing Snell's punctuation. after encountering the crafty arts of Acastus' wife Hippolyte. With the sword of Daedalus, the son of Pelias sowed the seeds of death for Peleusfrom an ambush. But Cheiron rescued him and carried out the destiny which had been fated by Zeus. And Peleus, having
Demosthenes, Letters (ed. Norman W. DeWitt, Norman J. DeWitt), On the Slanderous Attacks of Theramenes (search)
rained. To you, however, in the interest of the common good, I wish to make known by letter what statements I have to make about these matters. Listen to my words with all attention, for I think they are not only worth hearing but also worth remembering. As for me, I assume that your city is the most fortunate in the world and the dearest to the gods, and I know that Zeus of Dodona and DioneAt the shrine of Zeus at Dodona in Epirus it was Dione, and not Hera, who was considered his consort. Elsewhere Dione was identified with Aphrodite or Venus. and the Pythian Apollo are always saying this in their oracles and confirming with the seal of their approval the opinion that good fortune has her abode in the city among you. Moreover, all that the gods reveal about coming events it is obvious that they prophesy; but the epithets based upon past events they apply to experien
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