Browsing named entities in Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). You can also browse the collection for Scotland (United Kingdom) or search for Scotland (United Kingdom) in all documents.

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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Notes and Queries. (search)
Notes and Queries. did General R. E. Lee descend from Robert, the Bruce King of Scotland? --Professor William Winston Fontaine, in a paper read before the Louisville branch of the Southern Historical Society March 29th, 1881, which we hope before long to find space to publish in full, has shown very conclusively that through the Carters and Spotswoods our King of men was descended from the noble King Robert Bruce of Scotland; and that of the five heroes who particularly distinguished themselves on the glorious field of Bannockburn, in driving back the invader of their beloved country, Lee, through the same channel, was the direct descendant of four--namely: King Robert; Thomas Randolph, Earl of Moray; Walter, the High Steward; and Sir Robert de Keith, Great Marischal of Scotland. Professor Fontaine cites a number of authorities, and deserves great credit for the industry he has shown in bringing out these interesting links in the lineage of our great chief, who was in hims
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 7.48 (search)
much reputation by his military operations in Scotland against Macbeth. Knight thus speaks of himd of the arrival of the Saxon royal family in Scotland, sent an embassador to Malcolm demanding thatupon, having received a passport, returned to Scotland, and sent ambassadors to England to treat abon Margaret, in 1290, he claimed the throne of Scotland. He died in 1295, aged eighty-five. In 1244eir oldest eon, IX.--Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, was born the 11th of July 1274, and died Junr daughter, I.--Marjory, Princess Royal of Scotland, fell into the hands of the English 1306, andss Marjory was II.--Robert Stuart, King of Scotland, born March 2, 1316. In early youth he, in vishop of St. Andrews, Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, etc., and in every station in life acquittednd the author of The Practicks of the laws of Scotland. I have already given Clarendon's estimate ofnth in descent from King Robert the Bruce, of Scotland. Buchanan thus writes of the Scottish hero: [17 more...]