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Homer, The Iliad (ed. Samuel Butler) 40 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding) 16 0 Browse Search
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 16 0 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 14 0 Browse Search
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More) 8 0 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 6 0 Browse Search
Richard Hakluyt, The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation 6 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 6 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 6 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams) 4 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 8 results in 5 document sections:

P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 4, line 271 (search)
he left the Countrie where he dwelt And Ida that had fostered him. The pleasure that he felt To travell Countries, and to see straunge rivers with the state Of forren landes, all painfulnesse of travell did abate. He travelde through the lande of Lycie to Carie that doth bound Next unto Lycia. There he saw a Poole which to the ground Was Christall cleare. No fennie sedge, no barren reeke, no reede Nor rush with pricking poynt was there, nor other moorish weede. The water was so pure and shere Lycia. There he saw a Poole which to the ground Was Christall cleare. No fennie sedge, no barren reeke, no reede Nor rush with pricking poynt was there, nor other moorish weede. The water was so pure and shere a man might well have seene And numbred all the gravell stones that in the bottome beene. The utmost borders from the brim environd were with clowres Beclad with herbes ay fresh and greene and pleasant smelling flowres. A Nymph did haunt this goodly Poole: but such a Nymph as neyther To hunt, to run, nor yet to shoote, had any kinde of pleasure. Of all the Waterfairies she alonly was unknowne To swift Diana. As the bruit of fame abrode hath blowne, Hir sisters oftentimes would
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 6, line 313 (search)
In cases like) the people fell to telling things of old Of whome a man among the rest this tale ensuing told. The auncient folke that in the fieldes of fruitfull Lycia dwelt Due penance also for their spight to this same Goddesse felt. The basenesse of the parties makes the thing it selfe obscure. Yet is the matter wonderfull. ather then in case, Not able for to travell well by reason of his age, To fetch home certaine Oxen thence made me to be his page, Appointing me a countryman of Lycia to my guide. With whome as I went plodding in the pasture groundes, I spide Amids a certaine Pond an olde square Aultar colourd blacke With cinder of the sacrificence, and in hir armes did beare Hir babes which afterwarde became two Gods. In which hir travell In Sommer when the scorching Sunne is wont to burne the gravell Of Lycie countrie where the fell Chymera hath his place, The Goddesse wearie with the long continuance of hir race, Waxt thirstie by the meanes of drought with going in
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 9, line 630 (search)
wroong Her hands, and beete her armes, and like a bedlem with her toong Confessed her unlawfull love. But beeing of the same Dispoynted, shee forsooke her land and hatefull house for shame, And followed after flying Caune. And as the Froes of Thrace In dooing of the three yeere rites of Bacchus: in lyke cace The maryed wyves of Bubasie saw Byblis howling out Through all theyr champion feeldes, the which shee leaving, ran about In Caria to the Lelegs who are men in battell stout, And so to Lycia. Shee had past Crag, Limyre, and the brooke Of Xanthus, and the countrie where Chymaera that same pooke Hath Goatish body, Lions head and brist, and Dragons tayle, When woods did want: and Byblis now beginning for to quayle Through weerynesse in following Caune, sank down and layd her hed Ageinst the ground, and kist the leaves that wynd from trees had shed. The Nymphes of Caria went about in tender armes to take Her often up. They oftentymes perswaded her to slake Her love. And woords of
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 12, line 64 (search)
of the folke of Tewthranie I slew, That with theyr blood Caycus streame became of purple hew. And when the noble Telephus did of my Dart of steele The dowble force, of wounding and of healing also feele. Yea even the heapes of men slayne heere by mee, that on this strond Are lying still to looke uppon, doo give to understond That this same hand of myne both had and still hath strength. This sed, (As though he had distrusted all his dooings ere that sted,) He threw a Dart ageinst a man of Lycia land that hyght Menetes, through whose Curets and his brest he strake him quyght. And when he saw with dying limbes him sprawling on the ground, He stepped to him streyght, and pulld the Javeling from the wound, And sayd alowd: This is the hand, this is the selfsame dart With which my hand did strike even now Menetes to the hart. Ageinst my tother Copemate will I use the same: I pray To God it may have like successe. This sed, without delay He sent it toward Cygnet, and the weapon did not s
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 13, line 205 (search)
t so content. Proceeding further to the Camp of Rhesus streyght I went, And killed bothe himself and all his men about his tent. And taking bothe his chariot and his horses which were whyght, Returned home in tryumph like a conquerour from fyght. Denye you mee the armour of the man whoose steedes the fo Requyred for his playing of the spye a nyght, and so May Ajax bee more kynd to mee than you are. What should I Declare unto you how my sword did waste ryght valeantly Sarpedons hoste of Lycia? I by force did overthrowe Alastor, Crome, and Ceranos, and Haly on a rowe. Alcander, and Noemon too, and Prytanis besyde, And Thoon and Theridamas, and Charops also dyde By mee, and so did Ewnomos enforst by cruell fate. And many mo in syght of Troy I slew of bacer state. There also are (O countrymen) about mee woundings, which The place of them make beawtyfull. See heere (his hand did twich His shirt asyde) and credit not vayne woordes. Lo heere the brist That alwayes to