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Vitruvius Pollio, The Ten Books on Architecture (ed. Morris Hicky Morgan), BOOK VIII, CHAPTER II: RAINWATER (search)
others that assail us from the direction of the sun's course are very damp, and always bring rain, because they reach us from warm regions after being well heated there, and licking up and carrying off the moisture from the whole country, they pour it out on the regions in the north. 6. That this is the state of the case may be proved by the sources of rivers, the majority and the longest of which, as drawn and described in geographies of the world, are found to rise in the north. First in India, the Ganges and Indus spring from the Caucasus; in Syria, the Tigris and Euphrates; in Pontus in Asia, the Dnieper, Bug, and Don; in >Colchis, the Phasis; in Gaul, the Rhone; in Celtica, the Rhine; on this side of the Alps, the Timavo and Po; in Italy, the Tiber; in Maurusia, which we call Mauretania, the Dyris, rising in the Atlas range and running westerly to Lake Heptagonus, where it changes its name and is called Agger; then from Lake Heptabolus it runs at the base of barren mountains, f
Vitruvius Pollio, The Ten Books on Architecture (ed. Morris Hicky Morgan), BOOK VIII, CHAPTER III: VARIOUS PROPERTIES OF DIFFERENT WATERS (search)
e a crust of salt on the surface. In many other places there are springs and rivers and lakes which are necessarily rendered salt because they run through salt pits. 8. Others flow through such greasy veins of soil that they are overspread with oil when they burst out as springs: for example, at Soli, a town in Cilicia, the river named Liparis, in which swimmers or bathers get anointed merely by the water. Likewise there is a lake in Ethiopia which anoints people who swim in it, and one in India which emits a great quantity of oil when the sky is clear. At Carthage is a spring that has oil swimming on its surface and smelling like sawdust from citrus wood, with which oil sheep are anointed. In Zacynthus and about Dyrrachium and Apollonia are springs which discharge a great quantity of pitch with their water. In Babylon, a lake of very great extent, called Lake Asphaltitis, has liquid asphalt swimming on its surface, with which asphalt and with burnt brick Semiramis built the wall su
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 1, line 746 (search)
charge before, Did holde up both hir handes to heaven, and looking on the Sunne, My right deare childe I safely sweare (quoth she to Phaeton) That of this starre the which so bright doth glister in thine eye: Of this same Sunne that cheares the world with light indifferently Wert thou begot: and if I fayne, then with my heart I pray, That never may I see him more unto my dying day. But if thou have so great desire thy father for to knowe, Thou shalt not neede in that behalfe much labour to bestowe. The place from whence he doth arise adjoyneth to our lande. And if thou thinke thy heart will serve, then go and understande The truth of him. When Phaeton heard his mother saying so, He gan to leape and skip for joye. He fed his fansie tho, Upon the Heaven and heavenly things: and so with willing minde, From Aethiop first his native home, and afterwarde through Inde Set underneath the morning starre he went so long, till as He founde me where his fathers house and dayly rising was.
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 4, line 1 (search)
r, Nyctileus and th'Elelean Sire, Iacchus, Evan eke, With divers other glorious names that through the land of Greke To thee O Liber wonted are to attributed bee. Thy youthfull yeares can never wast: there dwelleth ay in thee A childhod tender, fresh and faire: in Heaven we doe thee see Surmounting every other thing in beautie and in grace And when thou standste without thy homes thou hast a Maidens face. To thee obeyeth all the East as far as Ganges goes, Which doth the scorched land of Inde with tawnie folke enclose. Lycurgus with his twibill sharpe, and Penthey who of pride Thy Godhead and thy mightie power rebelliously denide, Thou right redowted didst confounde: thou into Sea didst send The Tyrrhene shipmen. Thou with bittes the sturdy neckes doste bend Of spotted Lynxes: throngs of Frowes and Satyres on thee tend, And that olde Hag that with a staffe his staggering limmes doth stay Scarce able on his Asse to sit for reeling every way. Thou commest not in any place but that
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 5, line 1 (search)
h bloud. Then all the other rout As fierce as fire flang Dartes: and some there were that cried out That Cephey with his sonne in lawe was worthy for to die. But he had wound him out of doores protesting solemly As he was just and faithfull Prince, and swearing eke by all The Gods of Hospitalitie, that that same broyle did fall Full sore against his will. At hand was warlie Pallas streight And shadowed Persey with hir shielde, and gave him heart in feight. There was one Atys borne in Inde, (of faire Lymniace The River Ganges daughter thought the issue for to be), Of passing beautie which with rich aray he did augment. He ware that day a scarlet Cloke, about the which there went A garde of golde: a cheyne of golde he ware about his necke: And eke his haire perfumde with Myrrhe a costly crowne did decke. Full sixtene yeares he was of age: such cunning skill he coulde In darting, as to hit his marke farre distant when he would. Yet how to handle Bow and shaftes much be
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 6, line 587 (search)
how pitie did compell hir heart to yeelde, She turned to hir sisters face from Itys, and behelde Now t'one, now tother earnestly and said: Why tattles he And she sittes dumbe bereft of tongue? as well why calles not she Me sister, as this boy doth call me mother? Seest thou not, Thou daughter of Pandion, what a husband thou hast got? Thou growest wholy out of kinde. To such a husband as Is Tereus, pitie is a sinne. No more delay there was. She dragged Itys after hir, as when it happes in Inde A Tyger gets a little Calfe that suckes upon a Hynde And drags him through the shadie woods. And when that they had found A place within the house far off and far above the ground, Then Progne strake him with a sword now plainly seeing whother He should, and holding up his handes, and crying mother, mother, And flying to hir necke: even where the brest and side doe bounde, And never turnde away hir face. Inough had bene that wound Alone to bring him to his ende. The tother sister slit His
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 8, line 81 (search)
o my selfe through treason when I gave My fathers head to thee. Whereby my countriefolke I drave To hate me justly for my crime. And all the Realmes about My lewde example doe abhorre. Thus have I shet me out Of all the world that only Crete might take me in, which if Thou like a Churle denie, and cast me up without relief, The Ladie Europ surely was not mother unto thee: But one of Affricke Sirts where none but Serpents fostred bee, But even some cruell Tiger bred in Armen or in Inde, Or else the Gulfe Charybdis raisde with rage of Southerne winde. Thou wert not got by Jove: ne yet thy mother was beguilde In shape of Bull: of this thy birth the tale is false compilde. But rather some unwieldie Bull even altogither wilde That never lowed after Cow was out of doubt thy Sire. O father Nisus, put thou me to penance for my hire. Rejoyce thou in my punishment, thou towne by me betrayd. I have deserved (I confesse) most justly to be payd With death. Bu
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 8, line 260 (search)
e than hee. His eies did glister blud and fire: right dreadfull was to see His brawned necke, right dredfull was his haire which grew as thicke With pricking points as one of them could well by other sticke. And like a front of armed Pikes set close in battell ray The sturdie bristles on his back stoode staring up alway. The scalding fome with gnashing hoarse which he did cast aside, Upon his large and brawned shield did white as Curdes abide. Among the greatest Oliphants in all the land of Inde, A greater tush than had this Boare, ye shall not lightly finde. Such lightning flashed from his chappes, as seared up the grasse. Now trampled he the spindling come to ground where he did passe, Now ramping up their riped hope he made the Plowmen weepe. And chankt the kernell in the eare. In vaine their floores they sweepe: In vaine their Barnes for Harvest long, the likely store they keepe. The spreaded Vines with clustred Grapes to ground he rudely sent, And full of Berries loden boug
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Arthur Golding), Book 15, line 335 (search)
the suttle aire he gettes to Phebus towne, And there before the temple doore dooth lay his burthen downe. But if that any noveltye woorth woondring bee in theis, Much rather may we woonder at the Hyen if we please. To see how interchaungeably it one whyle dooth remayne A female, and another whyle becommeth male againe. The creature also which dooth live by only aire and wynd, All colours that it leaneth to dooth counterfet by kynd. The Grapegod Bacchus, when he had subdewd the land of Inde, Did fynd a spotted beast cald Lynx, whoose urine (by report) By towching of the open aire congealeth in such sort, As that it dooth becomme a stone. So Corall (which as long As water hydes it is a shrub and soft) becommeth strong And hard assoone as it dooth towch the ayre. The day would end, And Phebus panting steedes should in the Ocean deepe descend, Before all alterations I in woordes could comprehend. So see wee all things chaungeable. One nation gathereth strength: Another wexeth
T. Maccius Plautus, Miles Gloriosus, or The Braggart Captain (ed. Henry Thomas Riley), act 1, scene 1 (search)
from Cato (on Rural Matters), that it was made of various kinds of olives minced up, and mixed with oil, vinegar coriander, cummin, fennel, rue, and mint, and then preserved in jars. is eaten up by me right ravenously. PYRGOPOLINICES Where are you? ARTOTROGUSLo! here am I. I' troth in what a fashion it was you broke the fore-legThe fore-leg: Brachium is supposed by some to mean "the trunk" of the elephant; but it seems more probable that it here means "the fore-leg." of even an elephant, in India, with your fist. PYRGOPOLINICES How?--the fore-leg? ARTOTROGUS I meant to say this--the thigh. PYRGOPOLINICES I struck the blow without an effort. ARTOTROGUS Troth, if, indeed, you had put forth your strength, your arm would have passed right through the hide, the entrails, and the frontispiece of the elephant. PYRGOPOLINICES I don't care for these things just now. ARTOTROGUS I' faith, 'tis really not worth the while for you to tell me of it, who know right well your prowess. (Aside) 'Tis m
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