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Pausanias, Description of Greece 102 0 Browse Search
Thucydides, The Peloponnesian War 60 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 32 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Phoenissae (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 32 0 Browse Search
Apollodorus, Library and Epitome (ed. Sir James George Frazer) 28 0 Browse Search
P. Vergilius Maro, Aeneid (ed. Theodore C. Williams) 24 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Heracleidae (ed. David Kovacs) 22 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Rhesus (ed. Gilbert Murray) 20 0 Browse Search
Euripides, Orestes (ed. E. P. Coleridge) 16 0 Browse Search
Homer, The Iliad (ed. Samuel Butler) 14 0 Browse Search
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Euripides, Orestes (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1366 (search)
Chorus Leader [But the bolts of the palace-doors rattle; be silent; for one of the Phrygians is coming out, from whom we will inquire how it is within.] The Phrygian Eunuch enters from the palace, expressing the most abject terror. His lines are sung, in answer to the Chorus' spoken questions. Phrygian I have escaped from death by Argive sword, in my Asian slippers, by clambering over the cedar-beams that roof the porch and the Doric triglyphs, away, away! O Earth, Earth! in barbaric flight! Alas! You foreign women, where can I escape, flying through the clear sky or over the sea, which bull-headed Ocean rolls about as he circles the world in his embrace? Chorus Leader What is it, Helen's slave, creature from Ida? Phrygian Ilium, Ilium, oh me! city of Phrygia, and Ida's holy hill with fruitful soil, how I mourn for your destruction [a shrill song] with barbarian cry; destroyed through her beauty, born from a bird, swan-feathered, Leda's cub, hellish Helen! to be a curse to
Euripides, Orestes (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1286 (search)
Electra spoken They do not hear; alas for my troubles! Can it be that her beauty has blunted their swords? sung Soon some Argive in full armor, hurrying to her rescue, will attack the palace. spoken Keep a better look-out; it is not a contest of sitting still; turn about, some here, some there. Chorus sung I am looking everywhere in turn along the road. Helen within Oh, Pelasgian Argos! I am being foully murdered. Chorus Did you hear? The men have put their hand to the slaughter. It is Helen screaming, at a guess. Electra sung O eternal might of Zeus, of Zeus, only come to help my friends! Helen within Menelaus, I am dying, but you do not help me, though you are near.
Euripides, Orestes (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 1018 (search)
fated untimely death! When you should have lived, you are going to die. Orestes By the gods, do not unman me, bringing me to tears by the recollection of my sorrows. Electra We are about to die; it is not possible for me not to grieve over our troubles; it is a piteous thing for all men to lose life, that is so sweet. Orestes This is the day appointed for us; we must fit the dangling noose about our necks or whet the sword for use. Electra You be the one to kill me, brother, so that no Argive may insult Agamemnon's son by my death. Orestes Enough that I have a mother's blood upon me; I will not kill you, but die by your own hand, however you wish. Electra Agreed; I will not be behind you in using the sword; only I long to throw my arms about your neck. Orestes Enjoy that empty satisfaction, if embraces have any joy for those who have come so near to death. Electra My dearest, you who have a name that sounds most loved and sweet to your sister, partner in one soul with her!
Euripides, Orestes (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 898 (search)
After him lord Diomedes made a speech; he said they should not kill you and your brother, but keep clear of guilt by punishing you with exile. Some roared out that his words were good, but others disapproved. Next stood up a fellow, who cannot close his lips; one whose impudence is his strength; an Argive, but not of Argos, forced on us; confident in bluster and ignorant free speech, and plausible enough to involve them in some mischief sooner or later; [for whenever a man with a pleasing trick of speech, but of unsound principles, persuades the mob, it is a serious evil to the state; but those who give sound and sensible advice on all occasions, if not immediately useful to the state, yet prove so afterwards. And this is the way in which to regard a party leader; for the position is much the same in the case of an orator and a man in office.] He was for stoning you and Orestes to death, but it was Tyndareus who kept suggesting arguments of this kind to him as he urged the death o
Euripides, Orestes (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 844 (search)
Electra comes out of the palace. Electra Women, has my poor Orestes left the house, mastered by the heaven-sent madness? Chorus Leader Not at all; he has gone to the Argive people to stand the appointed trial for his life, in which he and you must live or die. Electra Oh! Why did he do it? Who persuaded him? Chorus Leader Pylades; but this messenger will no doubt soon tell us what happened to your brother there. A messenger, formerly a servant of Agamemnon, enters. Messenger Wretched, unhappy daughter of the general Agamemnon, my lady Electra, hear the sad tidings I bring you. Electra Alas! we are ruined; your words show it; you have clearly come with tidings of woe. Messenger The Pelasgians have decided by vote that you, poor lady, and your brother are to die this day. Electra Alas! my expectation has come to pass; I have long feared this, and have been wasting away in mourning for what was sure to happen. But what was the trial, what was said by the Argives, to condemn
Euripides, Orestes (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 682 (search)
or you I will go and try to persuade Tyndareus and the city to moderation. A ship also dips if its sheet is hauled too taut, but rights itself again if it is let go. The god hates excessive eagerness, and the citizens do also; I must save you, I don't deny it, by cleverness, not by violence against those who are stronger. I could not do it by strength, as you perhaps imagine; for it is not easy to triumph single-handed over the troubles that beset you. I would never have tried to bring the Argive land over to softness; but it is necessary. [for the wise to be slaves to fortune.]Menelaus and his retinue depart. Orestes O you that have no use, except to lead an army in a woman's cause! O worst of men in your friends' defense, do you turn your back on me and flee, the deeds of Agamemnon lost and gone? After all, father, you had no friends in adversity. Alas! I am betrayed; no longer do I have any hope of finding a refuge where I may escape the death-sentence of Argos; for this man wa
Euripides, Orestes (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 427 (search)
now. Menelaus Will the city allow you to keep the scepter of Agamemnon? Orestes How, seeing that they will not allow me to remain alive? Menelaus What is their method? Can you tell me plainly? Orestes A vote will be taken against us today. Menelaus To leave the city? Or to die, or not to die? Orestes Death by stoning at the hands of the citizens. Menelaus Then why not cross the border and try to escape? Orestes Because we are encircled by men fully armed. Menelaus Private foes or Argive troops? Orestes All the citizens, so that I may die; it is shortly told. Menelaus Poor wretch! you have arrived at the extremity of woe. Orestes In you I have hopes of escape from my troubles. But since you have come with good fortune, share with your friends, who are wretched, your prosperity; do not hold aside that goodness for yourself alone; but partake of troubles in your turn, and so pay back my father's kindness to those who have a claim on you. For such friends as desert us in ad
Euripides, Orestes (ed. E. P. Coleridge), line 110 (search)
and have convinced me, maiden. [Yes, I will send my daughter for you are right.] Hermione, my child, come out, before the palace. Hermione and attendants come out of the palace. Take these libations and these tresses of mine in your hands, and go pour round Clytemnestra's tomb a mingled cup of honey, milk, and frothing wine; then stand upon the heaped-up grave, and say this: “Helen, your sister, sends you these libations as her gift, fearing herself to approach your tomb from terror of the Argive mob” and bid her harbor kindly thoughts towards me and you and my husband; towards these two wretched sufferers, too, whom the gods have destroyed. And promise that I will pay in full whatever funeral gifts are due from me to a sister. Now go, my child, and hurry; and soon as you have made the libations at the tomb, think of your return.Helen goes into the palace as Hermione and her attendants depart with the offerings. Electra O human nature, how great an evil you are in men! and what sa