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e town was entirely surrounded, and after having done all that skill and bravery could do, were borne down by numbers, and compelled to surrender. Some few succeeded in cutting their way through the rebel lines and escaped. The balance were killed, wounded or captured. Captain Pepper's company of Bracken Home Guards lost three killed, and two wounded very severely. The killed: Second Lieut. Henry Myer, Fourth Sergeant George Walker, and private P. B. Boughner. Wounded: C. Ledrer and William Hill. We suffered severely from shots by the citizens from their windows. Capt. Pepper was calm during the action, encouraging his men by word and example. The entire Union loss, eighteen killed and about forty wounded. The prisoners were paroled, and after being kept twenty-four hours without food, were sent home. The Bracken boys are anxious to dance at the next party the renegade Morgan gives. The action lasted two and a half hours. Rebel loss, seventy killed and many badly
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Ewell's report of the Pennsylvania campaign. (search)
nge of the enemy on the 15th June, and maintained its position till thirteen of the sixteen men in the two detachments were killed or wounded, when Lieutenant John A. Morgan, of the First North Carolina regiment, and Lieutenant R. H. McKim, A. D. C. to Brigadier-General George H. Steuart, volunteered and helped to work the guns till the surrender of the enemy. The following are the names of the gallant men belonging to the section: Lieutenant C. S. Contee, A. J. Albert, Jr., John Kester, William Hill, B. W. Owens, John Glascock, John Harris, William Wooden, C. C. Pease, Frederick Frayer,----Duvall, William Compton, John Yates, William Brown, Wm. H. Gorman, Thomas Moor, Robert B. Chew. Colonel Brown, Chief of Artillery, recommends Lieutenant Contee for promotion to the captaincy of the Chesapeake artillery, vice Captain W. D. Brown, a most gallant and valuable officer, killed at Gettysburg. At Gettysburg. Captain D. P. Halsey, A. A. G. of Iverson's brigade, displayed conspicuous
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), North Carolina, (search)
, 1774 The provincial congress decides that after Sept. 1, 1774, all use of East India tea should be prohibited; that after Nov 1, 1774, importation of African slaves should cease; and that after Jan. 1, 1775, no East India or British goods should be imported......August, 1774 Richard Caswell, Joseph Hewes, and William Hooper, delegates to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia......Sept. 5, 1774 Committee of safety orders the return of a cargo of tea which had been shipped to William Hill; committee appointed......Nov. 23, 1774 Governor Martin by proclamation denounces the Provincial Congress as tending to introduce disorder and anarchy ......March 1, 1775 Governor Martin dissolves the Assembly after a session of four days, ending the royal rule in the State......April 8, 1775 Delegates from Mecklenburg county meet at Charlotte to take into consideration the existing state of affairs; sign and forward to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia a declaration of in
zer Swan2 Capt. William Adams1 Lieut. Daniel Brown1 William Whittemore1 Samuel Cutter2 Capt. Thomas Adams1 Edward Wilson2 John Winship1 Samuel Russ1 Samuel Hill1 Jason Belknap1 Seth Russell2 Joseph Belknap1 Aaron Cooke2 Zechariah Hill2 Capt. Saml. Whittemore1 Thomas Whittemore2 Samuel Whittemore, Jr.2 Thomas Robbins1 William Butterfield1 Thomas Cutter1 John Wilson1 Timothy Swan1 Samuel Frost2 Joseph Frost2 Edward Fillebrown1 Ephraim Frost, Jr.1 Abraham Hill2 William Hill1 John Hill1 Samuel Swan1 Joshua Kendall1 George Prentice1 Patten Russell2 Samuel Frost, Jr.1 Solomon Prentice1 Joseph Locke1 William Cutter1 Lemuel Blanchard1 George Swan1 Lieut. Stephen Frost1 Stephen Cutter1 John Adams1 William Cutter1 Jeduthun Wellington1 Moses Hovey1 Benjamin Cooper1 Jonathan Robbins1 Seth Stone1 Capt. Samuel Carter1 Josiah Hall1 Thomas Adams, Jr.1 John Cutter, 3d1 Thomas Cutter1 Jonathan Perry1 John Locke1 Josiah Wilson1 James Frost1 Joh
of First Lieut. Isaac C. Madding, Company B; Second Lieut. Robert H. Cherry, Company I; First Lieut. G. W. W. Jones, Company G; Second Lieut. John D. Oglesby, Company F, and our gallant commander, Maj. J. H. McGaughey. Gives loss at 25 killed and 218 wounded. (165, 166, 168) Mentioned in General Adams' reports and Col. E. B. Breedlove's report. (533) Roll of honor, battle of Chickamauga: Privates George W. Tims, Company A, killed in action; William A. Watts, Company B, killed in action; William Hill, Company C; Thomas Garner (killed), Company D; Joshua Lewis, Company E; John McMicken (killed), Company F. No. 55—(660) In Lowrey's brigade, Breckinridge's corps, army of Tennessee, Chattanooga-Ringgold campaign. (754-756, 768) Mentioned in reports of Gen. P. R. Cleburne and Gen. M. P. Lowrey. (769, 770) Report of Maj. F. A. Ashford, commanding, of the battle of November 27, 1863. No. 56—(618, 804, 823, 885) Assignment as above, to December 31, 1863. No. 58—(588) Assig
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
ent, with Major W. G. Rendly. E. B. Chamberlayne, Va. Reserves, (citizen). E. H. Chamberlayne, Jr., detailed conscript A. and I. G. O. W. H. Myers, discharged soldier. J. E. Fox, Hospital Steward. T. A. Landrum, conscript guard, 1 private horse. F. J. Wiley, Md. line. John G. Beasley (citizen), clerk in Q.-M.'s Department. John E. Towns (citizen), clerk in Q.-M.'s Department. W. L. Jones, private Co. H, 23d Va. Battalion. J. M. Fowler, private Co. F, 16th Ga. William Hill, private Co. B, 27th S. C. T. C. Gray, sergeant Co. C, 7th S. C., 1 private horse (courier). E. W. Reynolds, private Co. K, 7th S. C., 1 private horse (courier). T. M. Lake, private Co. E, 3d S. C., 1 private horse (courier). G. M. Dillard, corporal Co. D, 3d S. C., 1 horse (courier). A. H. Gibboney, detailed clerk to Heth's Division, 1 private horse (courier). W. E. Cox, detailed courier to Gen. Heth, 1 private horse. A. T. Ashby, Co. H, 14th Va. Infantry. W. D. St
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 21. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memorial address (search)
irth and education. He was born in York District in the State of South Carolina on the 21st of July, 1821. He traced his descent neither from the Cavaliers of England nor from the Huguenots of France, but from the sturdy sons of liberty-loving Scotland, who migrated to the north of Ireland and ultimately planted colonies in Pennsylvania, Virginia, North and South Carolina, where they educated, elevated and dominated the people with whom they came in contact. His paternal grandfather, William Hill a native of Ireland, had landed in Pennsylvania, and moving South with the stream of Scotch-Irish that populated the valley of Virginia and Western North Carolina, built, with Colonel Hayne as his partner, in 1770, an iron foundry in York District, which within the next decade was the only point south of Virginia where cannons were cast for the use of the colonial armies. He was colonel of a regiment in Sumpter's brigade, and fought gallantly under him in many engagements. While Colonel
ohn Hill, Daniel Cutter, John Cutter, Jr., Ephraim Frost, Jr., Samuel Frost, Jr., Aaron Swan, William Hill, Joshua Kendall, William Butterfield, Jonathan Robbins, Samuel Whittemore, 3d, George Swan, D, James Hill, Daniel Locke, Jason Kennedy, John Perry, Isaac Locke, Timothy Swan, Amos Locke, William Hill, Jr., David Hill, Joseph Adams, Amos Hill, William Wyeth, Amos Davis, Ichabod Fessenden, Ebeniel Reed; Elmira, daughter of Josiah H. Russell; Albert, son of Jonas Cutter; William, son of William Hill, 3d; William Augustus, son of William Whittemore, 3d; Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Wyman00 Seth Frost, Jr.4486.00 Ichabod Fessenden73139.00 T. Hutchinson & W. Adams, Jr.26131.00 William Hill69165.00 William Hill, Jr.4388.00 James Otis16207.00 Jonas Peirce40142.00 James Perry58170William Hill, Jr.4388.00 James Otis16207.00 Jonas Peirce40142.00 James Perry58170.00 George Prentiss66183.00 George Prentiss, Jr.61103.00 Richard Sullivan87184.00 John & William Swan22187.00 Reuben Swan21185.00 Sarah Smith68129.00 Benjamin Teel84166.00 Peter Tufts, Jr.8615
e. On April 20, 1807, the Parish Committee appointed William Hill, 3d, to ring the bell and take care of the meeting-housutter, John Frost, Jr., and Benjamin Locke, hogreeves; William Hill, 3d, tythingman; Major Josiah Whittemore, poundkeeper; house19 40 Ebenezer Hall for work on School house1 50 William Hill, 3d, do. do.3 50 Abner Stears, for repairing School ho 1825, 1826; Jonathan Frost, 2d, 1825; Amos Hill, 1826; William Hill, 1826. The prudential school committee have been: Jo31; Joshua Avery, 1832; Jesse Bucknam, 1833, 1834-1838; William Hill, 2d, 1833, 1851, Jr. 1852; Elijah Cutter, 1834; Seth Frrost, $330; Oliver Russell, $450; Thaddeus Frost, $440; William Hill, 2d, $750; Francis S. and Newell Frost, $440; Henry Fronam, $475; Abel R. Proctor, $260; sundry persons, $500; William Hill, 3d, $90; Cornelius Akerman, $10; John P. Daniels, $35;n a town house, were Jesse Bucknam, Samuel Butterfield, William Hill, 2d, John Schouler and George C. Russell. Busts and
all, 1798-1800. James Cutter, 1799—declined. Ebenezer Cutter, 1800. David Hill, 1801, 1802. John Estabrook, 1801. Jonathan Whittemore, 1802. Ichabod Fessenden, 1803, 1804. Daniel Reed, 1803-07. Jonas Peirce, 1805-07. William Hill Jr., 1806. Precinct Collectors. John Winship, 1733. Ephraim Cook, 1734—fined for failing to serve. Jason Winship, 1734. William Cutter, 1735. Zechariah Hill, 1736. Joseph Bemis, 1737. David Dunster, 1738—fined for refusemoval from town). James Brown, 1831. Isaac Locke, 1832 (resigned). George A. Locke, 1833, 1834, 1849. David Dodge. 1834-38 (excused), 1842 (excused). Rev. David Damon, 1836-38. Henry Whittemore, Esq., 1837, 1838, 1847, 1848. William Hill, 2d, 1837, 1838. Philip B. Fessenden, 1838. William W. Wellington, 1838 (excused). Samuel L. Cutter, 1838. Rev. Timothy C. Tingley, 1839-41. William Locke, 2d, 1839 (excused). John Fowle, 1839, 1840. Abner Peirce, 1839. Mansu<
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